After Throwing Them in Covid Quarantine Camps, German Government Also STRIPS Prisoners of Compensation Payments to Bankrupt Them
- After Throwing Them in Covid Quarantine Camps, German Government Also STRIPS Prisoners of Compensation Payments to Bankrupt Them
by Ethan Huff,
(Natural News) Starting in November, Germans who are not considered to be “fully vaccinated” will be deprived of compensation payments from the government while under mandatory quarantine.
Health Minister Jens Spahn announced that after meeting with the country’s 16 federal states on Sept. 22, the decision was made to stop compensating unvaccinated people the money they need to live while living in a covid concentration camp.
Further, unvaccinated Germans will no longer be allowed to get tested for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) for free. They will instead have to pay out of pocket for this “privilege.”
The changes are intended to persuade more people to get jabbed with one of the Fauci Flu shots currently available under emergency use authorization (EUA). By making life increasingly more difficult for the unvaccinated, the government is hoping to break them down and force compliance.
Oh, but Spahn says that getting vaccinated will still be a “personal decision.” The only difference is that this personal decision will come at an increasingly greater cost to one’s life and livelihood.
“Some people will say this means pressure for the unvaccinated. I think we have to look at it the other way around – it is also a question of fairness,” Spahn is quoted as saying, adding that choosing to remain unvaccinated will soon come with “the responsibility to bear the financial consequences.”
“Those who protect themselves and others via a vaccination can rightly ask why we should have to pay somebody who ended up in quarantine after a holiday in a risk area.”
Unvaccinated Germans will soon need to pay a testing fee every time they want to go indoors somewhere
The new testing fee for the unvaccinated is a pretty big deal because just like Israel, Germany is now requiring that residents and visitors show proof of injection or a negative test before being allowed to enter restaurants, theaters and other indoor places.
Starting on October 11, unvaccinated Germans who are unable to prove that they have refused the jab for medical reasons will be required to pay for a test every time they want to go inside somewhere.
These costs will certainly add up over time, making it prohibitively expensive to be an unvaccinated person in Germany. Germany, like Israel, is becoming a two-tiered apartheid country, in other words.
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