Top U.S. Naval Officer Says Navy Chaplains Are Blocking Religious Vaccine Exemption Requests
- Top U.S. Naval Officer Says Navy Chaplains Are Blocking Religious Vaccine Exemption Requests
Good Guys In The Military Get Truth Out Through Independent Media
NATIONAL FILE spoke to an active duty high-ranking Naval officer who revealed that U.S. Navy chaplains in the leftist Navy chaplain program are actively blocking sailors’ religious exemption requests for the controversial COVID-19 vaccines. Chaplains are supposed to serve as military religious ministers, but the chaplain system has become increasingly left-wing. The Joe Biden regime has inflicted a vaccine mandate upon the U.S. military, and the clock is ticking for America’s active duty servicemembers to try to get exemptions from the vaccine mandate.
But U.S. Navy documents obtained by NATIONAL FILE show that chaplains must sign off on the religious exemption requests which can be revoked during times of alleged disease, alternative counseling is provided to discourage sailors from going through with the process, and court martial and other disciplinary action is threatened against sailors whose religious exemption requests are denied. The high-ranking officer described the Navy’s religious exemption option as “lip service” to constitutionalists.
The Naval officer told NATIONAL FILE: “I am actively pursuing a religious exemption from the COVID jab…The Navy is essentially saying they have the ability to give a religious exemption as lip service to placate constitutional believers and followers! How ridiculous! There really is no intention of allowing COVID exemptions! They are merely broadcasting an illusion that exemptions exist! Sort of like the illusion that the vaccines will cure the pandemic” He added, “FYI, my command is pushing the shot HARD right now. They are talking about disobeying direct orders and NJP (non judicial punishment) if not done in the next 2 weeks! Why the rush?”
NAVY DOCUMENT 1 from August 15, 2020 is entitled “IMMUNIZATION EXEMPTIONS FOR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS.” The document states that a commander can suspend a religious exemption “if necessary due to an imminent threat to health or safety.”
The chaplains have to approve religious exemption requests: “Content of Commander’s Endorsement. In line with reference (b), COs must endorse every request for religious accommodation through waiver of immunization requirements. The content of the endorsement must include: a. An endorsement from a military chaplain in line with reference (d), b. A recommendation to approve or disapprove the request, c. Relevant information concerning the applicable operational or regional policies, d. Negative effect (if any) on mission accomplishment (i.e., military readiness, unit cohesion, good order, discipline, health, and safety), e. The number of Service members in the command that have been granted a similar exemption for non-religious purposes…”
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