Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
TV7 Israel News Today’s top stories 18.08.21; 1) Damascus accuses Israel of striking two Syrian military posts overnight – one of which was said to house Iranian forces. 2) The Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani welcomed the Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan – further claiming that the fate that befell …
Update latest, some feedback that it is mineral reserves and not bullion: – @JamesBob47 Replying to @KingKong9888 and @thesiriusreport This is their estimate of proven mineral reserves, not bullion. They reported a similar number last year too. – The cat’s out of the bag. Why is China ‘formally’ announcing an increased in their gold …
Breitbart · Tucker Carlson – August 17, 2021 Carlson Calls On Citizens to Rise Up and Reject the ‘Great Reset’ by Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle Fox News host warns of West becoming a ‘soviet society’ without civil disobedience Fox News host Tucker Carlson has issued a call to action to citizens around the world, urging that it …
Dr. Walensky let the Israel cat out of the bag: "reports from Israel suggest INCREASED RISK OF SEVERE DISEASE amongst those vaccinated early". So wait… despite all the rhetoric about reduced severity/hospitalization, Israel data suggests otherwise?? — Who? What? When? Where? (@Jimmy_Jeans) August 19, 2021 Direct link to the relevant part of the press …
Unreal scenes in France as people not allowed into supermarkets without"covid passports". — Tony (@_Mrtdogg) August 19, 2021
Top Google Engineer Abandons Company, Reveals Big Tech Rewrote Algos To Target Trump by Kipp Jones via The Western Journal (emphasis ours), A Big Tech whistleblower said Google altered its algorithm in order to ensure that negative stories from the establishment media about former Present Donald Trump were what people saw when using the highest-trafficked …
Second Holocaust? CDC Covid Camps Have No Plans to Allow Healthy People to Leave by Ethan Huff, (Natural News) There is a very clear pattern beginning to form with the American government’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) agenda. We have seen this pattern before, perhaps most recently with World War II and the infamous concentration camps …
Stansberry Research The 2008 financial crisis was child’s play compared to today’s financial environment. This is the warning cry from two of the most recognizable faces in the commodities sector: Pamela and Mary Anne Aden, founders of the Aden Forecast. In this interview with our Daniela Cambone, they share their top sectors right now and …
Landmark Study Proves COVID Vaccines Much Less Effective Than Advertised by Tyler Durden, The largest study yet to examine the efficacy of COVID vaccines in the wild has just been published by the University of Oxford and UK Office for National Statistics, and unsurprisingly it found that the efficacy rates for the Pfizer and …
Health Ranger Report Mike Adams interviews international human rights attorney Reiner Fuellmich, whose Germany-based team is investigating evidence of crimes against humanity stemming from the worldwide covid-related abuses of human rights. end
Central Banks Are Now in the Endgame by Egon von Greyerz, Central bankers were handed the Midas curse half a century ago. Midas turned everything that he touched into gold– even his own food. Exactly 50 years ago (15 Aug, 1971) central bankers were handed a much worse curse by Nixon. But instead of …
Kitco NEWS It’s been 50 years since Richard Nixon decoupled gold from its price fix to the U.S. dollar, and now, monetary regimes need a return to a gold anchor more than ever in order to restore stability and credibility, said Brien Lundin, executive editor of the Gold Newsletter and host of the New Orleans …
maneco64 #FOMC #Taper #QE #fedralreserve #dollar #volatility #stockmarket #gold #forex #markets #economy – Today we will look at the financial market’s reaction to the publication of the FOMC’s minutes. We are noting a great deal of volatility in the currency markets and a slight pick-up in volatility in the stock market. The biggest problem for …
GoldSilver (w/ Mike Maloney) Which assets perform the best during inflationary periods? What are the strategies to be prepared? Join Mike Maloney and Ronnie Stoeferle as they discuss the latest ‘In Gold We Trust’ report. Available to download for free at Download Mike’s best-selling book for free here: Thanks for sharing and clicking …
Multiple targets struck and burning in Damascus after reported Israeli airstrikes in Syria — ELINT News (@ELINTNews) August 19, 2021 Large-Scale Israeli Attack Rocks Damascus, Multiple Impact Sites Burning by Tyler Durden, Extensive Israeli airstrikes targeting Syria are underway in the overnight hours local time, with major strikes unleashed in and around Damascus, …
Liberty and Finance Have you been feeling that we are living behind enemy lines in our own country – increasingly surveilled, locked down, forced to submit to experimental treatments and comply with unprecedented and unconstitutional orders, separated into factions, unable to have confidence in the future of our property, our money, or our freedom? John …