Alasdair Macleod: Gold $3,000. Silver $120. Corporate Bankruptcies. Stock Market Crash!
- As Good As Gold Australia
In this intriguing interview, Darryl and Brian Panes from As Good As Gold Australia talk with Head of Research at and Advisor to AGAGA, Alasdair Macleod. Alasdair holds nothing back in discussing the FEDs reluctance to admitting to creating a massive ponzi scheme that will lead to corporate bankruptcies and a massive stock market crash! Asset and currency prices will follow suit. The bank’s attempt to take down gold has failed. Gold is about to surge to US$3,000 and Silver US$120. The paper market is on the verge of collapse, but current physical gold and silver prices represent the bargain of a lifetime. There has never been a more relevant time in history to protect your wealth than right now. How? It has to be gold and silver! You’ve been warned.