Rand Paul: ‘Resist’ the ‘Great Reset’ – ‘They Can’t Arrest Us All’

- Rand Paul: ‘Resist’ the ‘Great Reset’ – ‘They Can’t Arrest Us All’
by Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle, https://neonnettle.com/
Republican senator calls on public to rise up against tyranny with civil disobedience
Republican Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has released a statement calling on patriotic Americans to rise up against Joe Biden’s tyrannical government to “resist” the “Great Reset” through mass civil disobedience.
Senator Paul has called on the public to stand up against unconstitutional lockdowns, mandates, and harmful policies being imposed by “power-hungry” elites. In an op-ed for Fox News, Paul slammed Democrat leaders Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as “tyrants.” “They can’t arrest us all,” Paul declared as he urged patriots to “resist” the Democrats’ attempts to “destroy America.”
“They can’t keep all your kids home from school,” he added. “They can’t keep every government building closed – although I’ve got a long list of ones they should.”
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