Beware A Massive False Flag To Usher In ‘The Great Reset’ As Huge Chunks Of The Democrats Voting Base Are Rejecting ‘The Vax’: The Globalists ‘Extermination Window’ Is Being Accelerated
- Beware A Massive False Flag To Usher In ‘The Great Reset’ As Huge Chunks Of The Democrats Voting Base Are Rejecting ‘The Vax’: The Globalists ‘Extermination Window’ Is Being Accelerated
by Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die,
While the mainstream media and Democrats continue to attempt to paint Conservatives who refuse to take their experimental mRNA injection as being ‘extremists’ who are ‘putting the entire country in danger‘, according to the CDC’s own statistics, only 27% of black Americans had been ‘vaxxed’, meaning roughly 73% of black Americans are avoiding ‘the vax’, while only 39% of what the DM story calls ‘rural dwellers’ have taken that shot.
With those stats alone meaning any Democrat attempt to mandate the vax nationally would be an attack upon a huge part of their own voting base, it also proves that black Americans and those who the msm/dem/globalists love to call ‘white supremacists,’ or ‘nazis,’ aren’t so different after-all.
Just another story that blows away the entire ‘vaxxes are the answer to Covid and Republicans are messing up the plan’ narrative that Joe Biden, Democrats, the CDC and the mainstream media are pushing, we also have gotten a bunch more evidence over the past few days that more ‘restrictions upon freedom’ and lockdowns are ahead. With the ‘unvaxxed’ already being blamed for any such forthcoming lockdowns by the ‘vaxxed‘, it’s looking more and more like attempts are being made to ‘dehumanize’ a huge part of the US population, especially those who do such horrifying things as ‘thinking for themselves’.
So with the large majority of both black Americans and ‘rural dwellers’ agreeing hugely on avoiding a ‘big pharma injection’ created far too hastily, all we need to do is take a look back at the past to see one of the reasons why; traditionally, it has taken years and sometimes decades to create a ‘successful’ vaccine.
And with those CDC stats proving huge chunks of the Democrats own voting base are rejecting the vax being one of the reasons why the CDC’s director backtracked so quickly on a national vax mandate, as we’ll explore within the next section of this story below, unions all across the country are also rejecting any such mandates in huge numbers. And unions, remember, are also a huge part of the Democrats traditional voting base.
So before we continue, we have to listen to a very brief video going viral created by one black man, a former US Marine, who tells us what he’ll do if anyone tries to force an unwanted and unsafe vax into his body. My guess is that tens of millions of Americans all across the country probably feel the same way.
read more.