The Plight of Palestinians is Well Understood, Now Action Needs To Be Taken
- The Plight of Palestinians is Well Understood, Now Action Needs To Be Taken
by Asa Winstanley,
“I am tired of reporting the same brutality every day, of thinking of new ways to describe the obvious.” Those are the words of Mohammed El-Kurd, the renowned Palestinian activist from East Jerusalem. He and his family are threatened with expulsion from their homes. They have committed no crime, but are being kicked out solely and exclusively because they are not Jewish, and Israel is a Jewish supremacist state.
Mohammed and his sister Muna El-Kurd had an upswing of media attention back in May-June, when the Israeli war against Gaza was being resisted by the Palestinian “Unity Uprising”.Now, that has died down. But the Palestinian plight remains the same.
“The situation in Sheikh Jarrah is not hard to understand,” Mohammed wrote in his Guardian opinion piece debut this week. “It is a perfect illustration of settler colonialism, a microcosm of the reality for Palestinians across 73 years of Zionist rule.”
Zionism, Israel’s officially sanctioned – and only legally protected – ideology is a racist one.
READ: Marriage law vote proves that even ‘left’ Zionism is racism
El-Kurd’s apparent weariness over having to dream up imaginative new ways of saying and writing the same thing day in and day out, week in and week out, is sadly familiar to those of us who report on the injustices against the Palestinians as our jobs.
Ethnic cleansing is wrong. Ethno-religious supremacy is wrong. Killing children is wrong.
read more.

9 … I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a [a]synagogue of Satan.
