Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Eurosystem Launches Digital Euro Project by, 14 July 2021 * Investigation phase of digital euro project to last 24 months * Design to be based on users’ preferences and technical advice by merchants and intermediaries * No technical obstacles identified during preliminary experimentation phase – The Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) …
UAPs Aren’t Russian or Chinese — And the Pentagon Knows It … They Are tracking of UFOs Arriving from ‘Deep Space’ by David Bates, Private emails published by Wikileaks — written by a former IT contractor and sent to Clinton/Obama insider John Podesta — refer to American tracking of UFOs arriving from ‘deep space.’ …
THE GREAT DELUSION IS COMING… And Former White House Chief Of Staff John Podesta Has A Message For President Biden—RELEASE THE REAL X-FILES AND FORM A DEDICATED UFO OFFICE INSIDE THE WHITE HOUSE ASAP! by SkyWatch Editor, Now that the Pentagon and the media are taking the subject more seriously, Podesta thinks Biden should …
RT The European Commission (EC) has announced it is commencing legal procedures against Hungary and Poland for violating the human rights of its LGBTQ+ citizens, which is not in line with EU values. Read more: end
Vaccine Passports Aren’t About Vaccines At All by Stand for Health Freedom, Alison McDowell on how digital identity opens the gates to military tech domination of our children – A world where we accept digital identities, is a world where our children and their minds are commoditized. Digital identities limit privileges and mobility …
Operation Lockstep: The 3 Step Approach to a Permanent Lockdown Resulting In Massive Depopulation by Dave Hodges, At the onset of the Covid 19 outbreak, I received information about something called Operation Lockstep. I was told by one deep-cover-insider that this plot was developed approximately two years prior to the outbreak of Covid 19. This …
Doug Casey’s Take In today’s episode, we discuss Doug’s latest essay published on If you enjoy this episode, please be sure to check out the essay here:… ADDITIONAL WAYS TO CONNECT WITH US: Connect with us on Telegram: Email list:… – Chapters: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:32 Social Animals 6:08 individual means of …
Globalists Pushing ‘Monthly Magic Frankenshots’ As ‘The Answer’ To The ‘Covid Problem’ They Created: CNN Talking Head Proclaims ‘Life Needs To Be Hard For Unvaccinated Americans’ by Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die, – The Globalists 16-Year Plan To Overthrow America Is Well On Its Way Towards Completion – …
Vax Wars are Global – Gerald Celente by Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post) Renowned trends researcher and publisher of “The Trends Journal,” Gerald Celente, boldly predicted back in April, “We are going to start seeing a big anti-vax movement.” He was spot on, and now says the “Vax War” is about to get more intense, …
Palisades Gold Radio Tom welcomes Bob Coleman from Idaho Armored Vaults to discuss his article and views on the recent Basel III regulations. To subscribe to our newsletter and get notified of new shows, please visit – The regulations are difficult to decipher, and you have to study them carefully to get the complete …
Liberty and Finance Gold and silver could take off, says The Gold Forecast founder Gary Wagner. He says “runway inflation” is here. He doesn’t expect this inflation to be entirely “transitory” as the Fed keeps saying. The Fed has no plans of changing policy anytime soon. “I’ve always believed that every individual,” Gary says, “should …
Alexander Mercouris Guardian’s Fake ‘Kremlin Papers’ Bombshell Points to Russiagate Origins News Topic 224 Kremlin papers appear to show Putin’s plot to put Trump in White House… Exclusive: Documents suggest Russia launched secret multi-agency effort to interfere in US democracy… end
maneco64 #inflation #hyperinflation #gold #silver #barter #Romania #economy #government #collapse #currency #stockmarket #prepping – Today I had the pleasure of speaking with Arpad of Star path Academy. We went over Arpad and his family’s experience in post-communist Romania in the 1990s and what they had to cope with during that tumultuous period of change. I …
ACL – Australian Christian Lobby Not welcome. Martyn Iles speaks on Seven News, Perth, regarding WA government policy banning Christians from hiring government operated venues. end
Kitco NEWS The inflation rate will reach 6% to 9% by year-end, said Steve Hanke, professor of Applied Economics at Johns Hopkins University. Speaking with David Lin, anchor for Kitco News, Hanke said that in a low growth environment, this represents the “worst of all possible worlds.” – 0:00 – Phillips Curve 4:00 – 6-9% …
Arcadia Economics #AndySchectman: Silver premiums have come in recently #Silverpremiums have been elevated all year, and spreads have remained wide as product shortages and delays have dominated the industry. But it’s a fluid situation where things are always changing, and to hear the latest update in the physical #silver market with Andy Schectman, Rob Kientz, …
Finance Alley There Will Be A Huge Demand For Silver Like Never Before, The Moment This Happens ! – Keith Neumeyer In this video Keith Neumeyer talks about the recent record settlement from JP Morgan regarding the spoofing of metal prices. The bank was forced to pay close to $1 billion in fees to resolve …
RT America International investor Jim Rogers joins Rick Sanchez to discuss the runaway inflation he expects to inevitably weaken US economic might and contribute to the decline of US power abroad. end