Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
RT Ukrainian new law, though still in draft, is designed to define ‘indigenous people of Ukraine’. Putin believes such desire to divide people strongly resembles ‘theory and practice of Nazi Germany.’ Read more: end
Greatest Mass Killer of 21st Century: Data Shows Fauci Conspired and Lied – New Study Shows HCQ plus AZM Improved Survival of COVID Patients by Nearly 200% by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively this past year on the effects of hydroxychloroquine in treating the COVID-19 virus. We knew and reported that …
THE COMING GREAT DECEPTION—PART 20: On The Arrival Of End-Time Deception by SkyWatch Editor, Jesus spoke of a time of ὠδίνων “birth pains” prior to His return, and many of us believe we are currently in the throes (Matthew 24:8). Our late friend, Dr. Chuck Missler, has written, “What is fascinating about the idiom …
Liberty and Finance Inflation’s running at 5% according to recently released CPI data. However, John Williams of Shadow Government Statistics argues inflation is much higher. Find John online: end
GoldSilver (w/ Mike Maloney) Join Mike Maloney, Jeff Clark and Adam Taggart as they discuss some of the latest news including inflation expectations, Bitcoin as legal tender and housing priced in gold. It’s all here in today’s video update, thanks for watching. Get in touch with Adam here: Download Mike’s best-selling book for free …
How Washington is Positioning Syrian Al-Qaeda’s Founder as Its ‘Asset’ by BEN NORTON AND MAX BLUMENTHAL · JUNE 9, 2021, A PBS Frontline special is the latest vehicle in a PR campaign to legitimize rebranded Syrian al-Qaeda, HTS, and market its leader Mohammad Jolani as a competent American “asset.” – March 2021 marked the 10th anniversary of …
Wall Street Silver US Policy Will Crush The Dollar … James Anderson from SD Bullion explains the path we are on leads ultimately to devaluation., And the logical steps to protect yourself are hard assets, such as silver and gold. – Twitter – Twitter – Reddit –… Monthly Newsletter – (NEW) …
Germany Rolls Out First Digital EU “Vaccine Passport” by Tyler Durden, After the EU unveiled its plans for re-admitting vaccinated tourists from North America and elsewhere last month, the Continent’s largest economy, Germany, has officially started rolling out its digital “vaccine passport” on Thursday, the AP report. – What’s more, German Health Minister Jens …
Sky News Australia Sky News host Alan Jones says we have reached what George Orwell warned about in 1984 after the government released a “vaccine passport under another name”. “I now notice that every vaccinated Australian can access a high-tech digital certificate to prove they have had the jab,” Mr Jones said. “If you have, …
I LOVE PROSPERITY ENDGAME for CURRENCY INFLATION Has BEGUN | Buy Gold, Silver & Mining Stocks – Steve Penny In this video, we talk to Steve Penny. Steve explains what the endgame for monetary inflation is. Steve has discussed at great lengths how we are in a historical pattern that repeats itself as powerful regimes …