Billionaire Investor Says “Ultimately $10,000 Gold Prices Are Coming!!” | Buy Gold & Silver
In this video we break down what is happening in the global economy. Recently, the famed investor Scott Minerd said that “Ultimately Gold is heading to $5,000 – $10,000 per ounce.” It’s quite shocking to see such a mainstream famous investor say something like that. Normally, we would hear those kinds of statements from YouTubers, or Gold researchers, not mainstream investors, let alone billionaires. So today I break down what Scott Minerd said. We also talk about inflation. Inflation is obvious now. It’s everywhere. We discuss the ramifications for having big inflation, while also having labor shortages. Everywhere we look, it seems that we are seeing “FOR HIRE” signs around small businesses. Most small businesses were decimated by lockdowns. The ones that are still left, are now being destroyed by labor shortages. This is the perfect storm for a hyperinflation depression. This is the exact background behind with Scott Minerd is calling for $10,000 Gold prices.