The Mark of The Beast Is Here: ID2020-Quantum-Dot Tattoo With COVID-19 Vaccine for DNA “Upgrading”
- Pro_Veritas
After all, God’s word is not a fiction book. Now things come to be more clear. The mark of the beast is a topic that needs thorough understanding. It consists ideas and disciplines like Genetic engineering, Communication Technology (5G), Physics (Nano Technology), body compatible Micro-chips Technology, a Vaccine for causing mutation, delivering the vaccine in the micro-chips in the form of ‘QUANTUM-DOT TATTOOS’ and creat a destruction (a potential pandemic like COVID-19) to implement ID2020 or AKA The Mark of The Beas. We will see each one in detail another time. Thanks to the Lord I studied electrical engineering and my favourite subject to read as a hobby is Ancient History, Bio-Med and Genetic Engineering. People of the same interest, let’s keep watching things closely.
Main Target: DNA Upgrade to so called “alien DNA” which is the image of the beast and the second target is Mind control and ID using NANO robots/ chips. With digital surveillance, human privacy as we know it will disappear. Remember, what they want is your DNA to alter and loss your HUMAN DNA 🧬 than any of the surveillance case. But of course they figured it out to hit both with the same stone, so they managed to integrate both as a single package for your delivery. I will talk more and more details on this on a video. Keep tuned.
The Carbon Dioxide – Carbon Tax agenda was pushed through by sweeping all opposition under the carpet. Can we get information about the present agenda published wide enough to get people resisting it in numbers? The satan serving powers that be love to hide the truth in plane sight.
COVID-19 (1 = A 9 = I) = Certificate Of Vaccination ID-AI
Here is the agenda of this Corona Game decoded. Fully referenced facts about Covid-19, provided by experts in the field, to help our readers make a realistic risk assessment. (Regular updates):
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