IDF Launches Massive Military Exercise to Simulate War on ‘Multiple Fronts’ Amid Flaring Tensions

- IDF Launches Massive Military Exercise to Simulate War on ‘Multiple Fronts’ Amid Flaring Tensions
by Svetlana Ekimenko,
A number of Palestinian protesters sustained injuries during riots along the border of the Gaza Strip on Saturday as unrest flared around the Temple Mount and ahead of planned evictions in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of east Jerusalem, with the IDF launching tear gas and firing rubber bullets in response, according to Palestinian reports.
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are launching the largest exercise in their history on Sunday, according to Kan News.
To span an entire month, the massive exercise called “Chariots of Fire” will have the Israeli army, navy, and air force practising combat and emergency scenarios in all regions. For the first time since the Israeli army was founded, the forces will be simulating a “month of war” to reportedly boost the IDF’s readiness.
The drills will involve both regular and reserve IDF forces from all the commands and forces. Furthermore, the Ministry of Defence, the National Emergency Authority, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other security bodies will participate in the “Chariots of Fire”.
While the exercise will practice a sweeping and synchronised manoeuvre in the “depths of enemy territory”, it shall also focus on functioning both within the IDF and between organisations, involving the Home Front and civilian assistance.
Fire and manoeuvring in built-up areas are also cited as on the agenda for the drills. Throughout the exercises, research teams will be making assessments and drawing conclusions, while referencing conclusions drawn from previous General Staff exercises.
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