Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
ITM TRADING, INC. Question 1: 0:50 You say that during the reset, gold goes to its fundamental value and then the currency is reset against the gold. My question is when the currency is reset against gold, how long will gold stay at that value and would it possibly still go higher after the reset? …
Russia Insight Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov: Moscow expects that the European Union’s plans to introduce vaccine passports won’t discriminate against Russian nationals. end
The Money GPS Unpaid rent and mortgages become a big problem for lenders and landlords. Food prices are rising significantly as we see the inflation at this time. More money, cash, debt, entering the system. There is an influx of capital going into the stock market from institutions, money managers, corporations, individual retail investors, all … In this interview Rick Rule, president and CEO of Sprott U.S. Holdings, says that “it has become difficult for institutions to buy silver.” Six weeks ago Rick did not believe that retail investors could have that big of an effect on the silver price, but that view is beginning to change with the ongoing …
RonPaulLibertyReport Last Thursday President Biden continued what has sadly become a Washington tradition: bombing Syria. end
Palisades Gold Radio To subscribe to our newsletter and get notified of new shows, please visit – Tom welcomes back David Brady, CEO, and Co-Founder of Global Pro Traders. David explains his trading methodology and why multiple approaches can provide a high degree of certainty with market trends. The IMF continues to encourage countries …
Miles Franklin The current movement into #silver and #gold is much bigger than #SilverSqueeze, says mining executive and metals analyst David Jensen. Is silver manipulated? Learn more about the debate:… – 0:00 Intro 0:53 Physical demand vs the price 3:31 1000oz bar shortage 4:54 It’s bigger than #SilverSqueeze 6:44 M2 Money Supply signals crash …
ITM TRADING, INC. Blog:… Link to Interview with Chris Rice and Pimpy: end
Arcadia Economics #Silver has started to leave the #COMEX Don’t look now, but silver has started to leave the COMEX. To find out more about this shocking development, #RafiFarber of The End Game Investor joins me on the show to explain. To find out more, click to watch the video now! end
Arcadia Economics Did the silver shorts just reveal their exit plan? Unusual comments from #JeffChristian of the #CPMGroup about what could possibly happen in the #silver market. To find out more, click to watch the video now! end
The European Union Will Introduce ‘Digital Green Pass’ Legislation This Month Requiring All Citizens To Show Proof Of COVID-19 Vaccination by Geoffrey Grider, The vaccine passport has been dubbed the “Digital Green Pass”, presumably after the Israeli scheme of the same name. Greece, which has been one of the main proponents of the scheme, already …
RT America RT America’s Alex Mihailovich reports on a recent rocket attack in Western Iraq and escalating tensions between Washington and Tehran before former UK MP George Galloway joins Rick Sanchez to share his perspective. end
maneco64 #silver #gold #comex #lbma #silvershortsqueeze #bitcoin #rothbard #economics #yields #YCC Today I had a chat with Rafi Farber of The End Game Investor and we touched upon Comex silver, the Treasury’s $920 billion cash pile, bitcoin versus gold and Austrian School of Economics giant Murray Rothbard. How to access Rafi Farber’s research:… end
GoldSilver (w/ Mike Maloney) What is the cheapest asset in the world? Join Mike Maloney and Jeff Clark as they discuss the answer, along with all of the most recent news for gold and silver investors. Download Mike’s best-selling book for free here: Thanks for sharing and clicking that ‘Like’ button. For those wondering …
War Has Been Declared On Christian Conservatives by C. J. REFSLAND on MARCH 3, 2021, OK this is a pearl clutching post for many but it has to be said. Open your eyes. War has been declared against Christian Conservatives. Pray like never before. Now is not the time to pray for the evil surrounding us …
Liberty and Finance IN THIS INTERVIEW: – BASEL III ACCORD: NSFR “Net Stable Funds Requirement” to go into effect in US in June 2021, and EU Jan 2022 – Bash & Stash on the COMEX: Largest gold & silver hoards in history being amassed at subsidized prices. – Follow the money: Do as they do …
Arcadia Economics Reggie Middleton: Is silver really manipulated? Is the silver market really manipulated? Reggie Middleton, who forecast Bear Stearns collapse in advance joins me on the show to discuss. To find out more, click to watch the video now! end
Silver Bullion TV Gareth Soloway: Gold & Silver to Rip Higher With Coming Inflation Fear We are joined on Metal Money by Gareth Soloway, President & CFO of There is no escape from the Fed’s record money printing. Inflation will keep rising. Such an environment is bullish for safe-haven assets like gold and silver. …
Indy XP Bullion Former JP Morgan Managing Director Jon Deane said in a recent interview with Kitco News that the small silver squeeze we saw earlier this year could start in earnest soon and that investor’s best play is to buy up physical silver now. Deane also is predicting silver prices to possible double and …