The Collapse of the Dollar and Its Cohorts Will Shock the World
- maneco64
#dollar #brettonwoods #fiatcurrency #debt #petrodollar #hyperinflation #federalreserve #gold #soundmoney #silver #money
Today we are going to look at the fragile nature of the current Monetary Non-System that has been around since August 15, 1971, when President Nixon suspended the convertibility of the American dollar into gold at a fixed rate. The concern we have is that the vast majority of the economics and policy experts will not see the collapse of the system coming as academia has been hijacked and is tightly under the control of those in charge of this Non-System or fiat/paper currency system. For the general public, this dollar or fiat currency collapse will be a big shock too as many have no clue that fiat currencies always end up worthless. The Petrodollar Files (Playlist):…