Joe Biden Has Begun Calling Kamala Harris ‘President’ And Doesn’t Correct Himself As 25TH Amendment Clock Continues To Count Down

- Joe Biden Has Begun Calling Kamala Harris ‘President’ And Doesn’t Correct Himself As 25TH Amendment Clock Continues To Count Down
by Geoffrey Grider,
“The hardest hit that have suffered the most — especially black, Latino, Native American, and rural communities,” Biden said. “We believe speed and efficiency must be matched with fairness and equity, now when President Harris and I took a virtual tour of vaccination center in Arizona not long ago, one of the nurses on that tour injecting people, giving vaccinations, said that each shot was like administering a dose of hope.” At no point did the president correct his verbal blunder.
President Joe Biden mistakenly referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as ‘president’ Thursday while delivering remarks at the White House regarding the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Biden did not correct his statement.
Joe Biden called Kamala Harris ‘president’ today, and the scariest part he seemed completely unaware of what he had just said. He never corrected his statement as he struggled to read from the teleprompter. With each passing week, Biden appears to be aging months at a time. At this rate, the Democrats will need to play their 25th Amendment card by June or July, if he lasts that long. Even his plastic surgery appears to be failing as he literally is falling apart in front of our eyes. This is the ‘deal with the Devil’ that Biden made to be president.
So right now, you should be mentally preparing yourself for what life in a Kamala Harris regime will look like, as she was the real candidate all along. She has already told us she is in favor of the ANITA and Black Lives Matter riots, so expect Marxism to a very high degree. Joe Biden is finished, he actually never started, and very soon he will be removed. What replaces him will not be pleasant.
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