Iran Takes Yet More Action To Blow Past Nuclear Restrictions At Natanz: IAEA

- Iran Takes Yet More Action To Blow Past Nuclear Restrictions At Natanz: IAEA
by Tyler Durden,
At a moment that Israel says it has implemented new plans that will enable it to more effectively launch preemptive attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities should Israeli leaders believe the Islamic Republic is on the cusp of nuclear weapons capability, Tehran announced Monday that it continues blowing past prior uranium enrichment limits in place as part of the 2015 nuclear deal.
Reuters is reporting it as a “recent acceleration” of restriction violations at a moment Biden’s prior stated intent to rejoin the JCPOA is faltering while US-led sanctions (put into effect by Trump) are still at their max. It appears part of continued efforts at ratcheting the pressure on Biden to provide immediate sanctions relief, which thus far the new Democratic administration has refused to do until Iran comes back into nuclear compliance.
But at the same time Iran’s boldness in piling on the pressure in the face of a hesitant Biden administration may inadvertently trigger Israeli retaliation.
read more.

9 … I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a [a]synagogue of Satan.