Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Silver Report Uncut The repo market was flipped on its head and the overnight repo rate plunged as low as -4.25% meaning the lenders were ending up paying the borrower due to the huge volume of banks borrowing to buy Treasuries. A former Fed repo market chief from the NY fed was warning something needs …
One Bank Turn Apocalyptic: “The Fed Will Inevitably Move To YCC” As “Rates Are No Longer Anchored” by Tyler Durden, Another week, another massive inflow into equity funds… just as the Nasdaq was about to get hammered with a painful 10% correction. – According to BofA Chief Investment Strategist Michael Hartnett’s latest Flow Show …
Palisades Gold Radio Tom welcomes an absolute icon to the show, Bill Holter. Bill works and writes alongside the legendary Jim Sinclair at JSMineset. To subscribe to our newsletter and get notified of new shows, please visit – Bill discusses the events in Texas during the winter storm and why the weather was sigma …
Skywatch Media News March 5, 2020: A massive slow moving meteor fireball burst through the atmosphere over Southwest England during the late evening hours of Feb 28. Fragments of the Fireball may have impacted the ground after entering the earth’s atmosphere at 30,000 mph. #UKFireball #Apophis #Meteors end
abbateans – Wikipedia The Sabbateans (or Sabbatians) were a variety of Jewish followers, disciples, and believers in Sabbatai Zevi (1626–1676),[1][2][3] a Sephardic Jewish rabbi and Kabbalist who was proclaimed to be the Jewish Messiah in 1666 by Nathan of Gaza.[1][2] Vast numbers of Jews in the Jewish diaspora accepted his claims, even after he outwardly became an apostate due to his forced conversion to Islam in the same year.[1][2][3] Sabbatai Zevi’s followers, both during his “Messiahship” and after …
Arcadia Economics The latest physical silver market update: with Andy Schectman To find out more, click to watch the video now! end
It Is All By Design: The Great Reset Is Coming, Prepare For Digital Currency by Mac Slavo, March 3rd, 2021, If you think you have no liberty or freedom now, just wait until the Great Reset, and the elitists and ruling class demand you use their digital dollar. This is all by design and …
@realDonaldTrump is mad that the deep state took control through Continuity of Government, there has been a coup? #Covid_19 #CoronavirusPandemic #MartialLaw — Shepard Ambellas 🎙 (@ShepardAmbellas) March 21, 2020 Mike Pompeo is a Bilderberger. Covid-19 is a exercise to test, train, brainwash … the sheeple, churches … nations … into accepting the coming Mark …
Miles Franklin Silver dipped below $25 and gold below $1700. President of Miles Franklin Andy Schectman says the precious metals markets are being manipulated* down as the fundamentals for owning metals only get stronger. – 0:00 Intro 0:45 What’s driving silver/gold lower? 4:17 Silver demand now 12:37 Are prices suppressed?* 18:55 Long term perspective end
Bond Market Crisis Will Crack The Silver Market Price Ceiling by John Adams, The emergence of the current crisis in bond markets across the world will have dramatic implications for not only future economic policy, but also for global commodity and precious metals markets, especially the gold and silver market. – As noted in …
GoldSilver (w/ Mike Maloney) Join Mike Maloney, Jeff Clark and Adam Taggart as they discuss the most recent events in silver. You’ll hear news on a new book, see a chart that proves silver is manipulated, and one of the guests will be ‘honked’ for referring to currency as money….who will it be? Download Mike’s …
Palisades Gold Radio To subscribe to our newsletter and get notified of new shows, please visit Tom welcomes a new guest to the show, Alasdair Macleod. Alasdair is the Head of Research for Goldmoney and an advocate for sound money. Alasdair explains how the Treasury plans to spend the 1.6 trillion in the general …
CGTN In the past year, the semiconductor and chip industry has become the most competitive field between countries. The pandemic and the repetitive U.S. export ban have dealt a heavy blow to the industry, and the world is facing a severe chip shortage problem, which has caused many companies from automakers to cellphone manufacturers to …
Kitco NEWS Nominal yields rise on inflation fears, but beneath the hopes of an improving economy are deep, structural problems that will not recover anytime soon, said Todd Horwitz of Horwitz noted that most of the small businesses that were locked down will not be returning to business. – 0:00 – Stock markets and …
I LOVE PROSPERITY ✅ Sign Up To Steve’s Free Newsletter @ Precious Metals Doomsday? Gold & Silver Prices Falling. Don’t Panic! Here’s Why… In today’s video Steve explains what’s going on the precious metals world. He explains why you shouldn’t panic, why this is not precious metals doomsday, and why gold and silver prices …
Sky News Australia The White House has continued its trend of shielding Joe Biden from scrutiny after suddenly cutting the feed of a virtual event after the president said he was “happy to take questions” from Democratic lawmakers. end
Liberty and Finance Proprietary analyst & founder of, Rob Kirby, returns to Liberty and Finance to connect the dots between the runaway Fed balance sheet, the demise of the USD, the Zimbabwe-like hyperinflation visible in BitCoin & other cryptos, and the intentional disabling of the “smoke detector” of gold by concentrated efforts of massive …
John Howell Gold and silver have been in a pullback for the last 6 months PLUS. I do see the buyers are likely to catch a bid in both Gold And Silver and a big move up is coming. The time of when this is going to happen is the BIG question. We had a …