German Parliament Ratifies Agenda ID2020 and Bill Gates’ “Vaccination Package” for Global Depopulation
- German Parliament Ratifies Agenda ID2020 and Bill Gates’ “Vaccination Package” for Global Depopulation
by Ethan Huff,
(Natural News) On Jan. 29, the German parliament ratified the implementation of Agenda ID2020, the next phase of the global Mark of the Beast rollout being ushered in on the back of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic.”
This centralized general electronic data collection program will profile every citizen in Germany and grant access to every government agency, police department, and three-letter agency, as well as to the private sector.
Up to 200 points of information, and possibly more as time goes on, will be included in the program. These include people’s bank accounts, shopping habits, health records, including vaccination records, political inclinations, and probably even dating habits.
If the government can use it against you, Germany wants to house it in the Agenda ID2020 database, which was designed by none other than billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates as part of his “vaccination package.”
Backed by the Rockefeller Foundation, Accenture, the World Economic Forum (WEF), and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), the program aims to inject every human being with microchips that can be remote-accessed using 5G and subsequent 6G technologies.
The program’s private partners include many Big Pharma names such as Johnson & Johnson (J&J), GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Merck & Co., and of course the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
According to Peter Koenig, writing for Global Research (Canada), ID2020 is shaping up to be “vaccine-implanted” and “remote-accessible by EM-geared computers, robots or algorithms.”
“The adoption of Agenda ID2020 still has to be approved by the German Federal Council, but there is little chance the Council will reject it,” Koenig explains.
Switzerland’s Agenda ID2020 mark of the beast to be voted on in early March
In nearby Switzerland, voters will have the chance on Mar. 7 to approve that country’s version of Agenda ID2020, an all-electronic identification system that will link “everything to everything of each individual citizen.”
Should the measure pass, the Swiss government plans to outsource management of the program to the private sector, meaning drug companies, big banks, and insurance companies will be buying and selling people’s private data for profit.
In the future, the program will likely include an implantable chip with built-in radiofrequency (RF) transmitters that will be used to track people, as well as manage their finances and allot them payment credits for the work they do so they can continue to buy and sell.
Early trials of such technology have already taken place in remote villages of Bangladesh, where poor people were injected with microchips under the guise of being “vaccinated.”
This is exactly the type of thing that Bill Gates and other genocidal maniacs want to see implemented around the world. Every person will eventually have to be ID-chipped and “vaccinated,” and the 5G / 6G systems being installed on every church rooftop and corner lamppost will be used to program and control this global herd of new world order beings.
All of this is for the purpose of keeping people “safe” against Chinese germs, of course. There is simply no other way to keep the “virus” at bay, the elite insist.
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