Reddit WallStreetBets Gamestop Sends SILVER SHORT SQUEEZE Parabolic | Silver Stocks Exploding!!
- I do not believe that the Reddit WallStreetBets movement (even 3 million strong) has sufficient money ‘firepower’ to be successful in attacking the bullion banksters, BIS … in the precious metals market. If the attempt is successful, it is very likely they had HELP in the form of JP Morgue. JP Morgue has as much as 1 BILLION ounces of physical silver. They stand to gain hundreds of Billion$$ if not a Trillion when silver hits $1000/ounce. When/If the vertical move starts, expect “Shark” hedge funds who smell blood to join in the Long side.
– - When/If that happens, the Reddit WallStreetBets movement will be blamed for bringing the Comex and financial system down. Ie. it is not just about destroying the bullion banksters, it can and will affect the global financial system as “Systemic” banks collapse. Who are the Reddit WallStreetBets movement: they are US, the small guys, the people who always lose in this RIGGED market. The PUBLIC in effect will be blamed for bringing the financial system down.
– - Why would JP Morgue switch side to LONG, apart from profits$$$, and betray the other bullion banksters? The Global Reset has already been announced. The western Illuminati need an event to collapse the old/existing financial system, bring about extreme chaos, collapse … and then offer their pre-planned Luciferian New World Order financial system –> ‘666’. Do not be taken for a ride, the master manipulators are still moving the chess pieces to bring about their desired result. It is just the Hegelian Dialectic, Order Out of Chaos in action.
– - Buy and hold physical gold and silver. We may or may not see a hyperbolic price movement in silver this time round to the hundreds of dollars. But the solution to the coming crisis is still to: Buy and hold physical gold/silver.
Reddit WallStreetBets Gamestop Sends SILVER SHORT SQUEEZE Parabolic | Silver Stocks Exploding!! Links…
1.) Reddit…
2.) Silver…
In this video I break down everything that is happening with Silver Short Squeeze and the Reddit WallStreetBets community that has been happening. Silver stocks are going absolutely parabolic right now, and it seems like it’s only the beginning. So we’ll talk about how to buy silver, investing in silver stocks, and the silver short squeeze.