THE MESSENGER—PART 29: Alien Saviors, Demonic Plots
- THE MESSENGER—PART 29: Alien Saviors, Demonic Plots
by SkyWatch Editor,
In 1958, a peculiar novel was published under the title, A Case of Conscience, by James Blish. In the story, a Jesuit priest named Father Ruiz-Sanchez and a team of scientists travel to a newly discovered planet dubbed “Lithia” to study the Lithians who live there. Unknown to the science team, the Vatican secretly advises the Catholic father to investigate whether the aliens have redeemable souls. What he finds in the Lithians are intelligent creatures whose morality fits perfectly with Christianity but who are devoid of any concept of religion or God. This dilemma grows, and soon the priest is invited to visit with a Lithian family. He writes:
Here was the first chance, at long last, to see something of the private life of Lithia, and through that, perhaps, to gain some inkling of the moral life, the role in which God had cast the Lithians in the ancient drama of good and evil, in the past and in the times to come. Until that was known, the Lithians in their Eden might be only spuriously good: all reason, all organic thinking machines, ULTIMACs with tails and without souls.[i]
Now I will not spoil the ending of that book—which includes the Jesuits (described as “the cerebral cortex of the Church”) dealing with the knotty moral, theological, and organizational issues surrounding a papal proclamation and the seed of Satan—for those who want to read the novel. However, it is important to note that the fictional Father Ruiz-Sanchez warns the Vatican to classify Lithia as X-1—a planet to be forever quarantined from Earth and humans due to its potential for great deception.
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- Sheeple: naive, gullible, easily deceived, useful idiots complicit in their own destruction and the destruction of others. People with an amazing ability to accept any amount of BULLSHIT. Last to know/understand what is going on. First to fall.
- The entire “UFO-Aliens” meme pushed by the world is a psychological warfare against the sheeple. These beings are NOT Aliens but are fallen angels, the Nephilim, fallen spiritual beings. The sheeple are being brainwashed into accepting a coming Satanic Alien Invasion HOAX! This is, IMO, the endtimes strong delusion.
2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 (New King James Version)
9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.