Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Albert Edwards Warns This Will Not End Well, Plus Big Food Inflation And One Of The Most Shocking Charts by With gold and silver on the move, Albert Edwards just warned “This will not end well.” Plus big food inflation and one of the most shocking charts. – Stock Market Crash Warning January 12 …
Real News Channel Today on TruNews, we address the communist confessions from now-fired PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller, who said what many have previously only whispered, that Republican children should be kidnapped and sent to “enlightenment camps” and that the White House should be firebombed as punishment for the Presidency of Donald Trump. We also …
CIA Releases “Black Vault” UFO Files by Tyler Durden, The CIA has released a large cache of files involving unidentified flying objects (UFOs), also known as unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by podcaster John Greenwald Jr. – Greenwald operates a website called the “Black Vault,” where he …
Selling The Illusion Of Insurrection by Jon Bowne | Many Americans are buying the false narrative The Democrats and their corporate overlords have already begun their blitzkrieg of tyranny. – They continue twisting the occupation of our nation’s Capitol by frustrated citizens and using it to destroy anyone that stands in their way. …
Joint Chiefs of Staff issue military-wide memo condemning Capitol riot, confirming Biden will become next commander in chief. — Breaking911 (@Breaking911) January 12, 2021 It looks 99% like it’s Game for Trump and Amerika!! The Luciferian New World Order has taken over. It’s pretty much Game Over for the Rest of the World also. …
President Trump Speaks in Alamo, Texas – Media Won’t Cover Speech, So WATCH HERE by The mainstream media refused to cover President Trump’s speech despite the facts that it attracted over 800,000 viewers and that it was his first speech in days. Instead, cable TV decided to broadcast a DOJ/FBI presentation on the Jan. …
With Unilateral Censorship of a Sitting US President, Big Tech Has Proven It’s More Powerful Than Any Government by Big Tech’s moves to muscle President Donald Trump off social media have been heralded by some as victory. But a corporate-run state with politicians serving as mere figureheads amounts to the very fascism they claim …
Netanyahu Orders Govt to Advance Construction of 800 Homes for Jewish Settlers in West Bank by Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has issued an order advancing plans to construct hundreds of settlement homes in the West Bank. Opposition politicians warn the move risks tensions with the incoming Biden administration in the US. – “The prime …
Great Reset is corporate communism, and it’s coming to America by Cheryl K. Chumley – The Washington Times ANALYSIS/OPINION: Joe Biden‘s just-announced Cabinet picks for Labor and Commerce — Boston Mayor Marty Walsh and Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo, respectively — share the common denominator of being tight and cozy with the unions. And that makes perfect …
Please find our statement below ⬇️ — Dorset Police (@dorsetpolice) January 10, 2021 UK Government May Only Let People Out ONCE A WEEK by Steve Watson, * And no talking in supermarkets The British government has reportedly discussed upping COVID restrictions even further by only allowing people to leave their homes once per week. …
Silver Liberties Jim Willie – In this Jim Willie interview, we discuss the Vaticans stolen gold, did Trump invoke the insurrection act? end
The Money GPS The stock market continues to move higher and higher. We are seeing tech stocks, technology stocks rising higher and higher to new record highs constantly. Interest rates are very low and so investors are looking for places to put their capital, cash, money. Debt is expanding alongside this stock market growth. end
Pompeo Has Wilfully Crossed China’s Red Line on Taiwan, And Now The World Waits to See How Beijing Will Respond by Tom Fowdy, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s latest attempt to improve ties between America and Taiwan has enraged Beijing and is a direct challenge to Xi Jinping. How China reacts could be …
Palisades Gold Radio Tom welcomes back Michael Oliver from Momentum Structural Analysis. He discusses past markets and how in the 1976 period, investors moved into commodities and stocks went sideways. Today, we are entering a similar period as most commodities have had long basing periods and are now turning upwards. This move seems to be …
With no explanation other than "repeatedly going against our community standards," @Facebook has blocked me from managing my page. Never have we received notice of violating community standards in the past and nowhere is the offending post identified. — Ron Paul (@RonPaul) January 11, 2021 Big Brother’s Getting Hungry? Former Congressman Ron Paul Locked …
Fox News Google, Apple and Amazon ban Parler from their app stores; Parler CEO John Matze joins ‘Sunday Morning Futures.’ end