Iranian Parliament Passes Law Requiring ‘Destruction Of Israel’
- Iranian Parliament Passes Law Requiring ‘Destruction Of Israel’
by Tyler Durden,
Iran already raised alarm bells in Tel Aviv with it’s recent declaration that it will enrich uranium to 20%, causing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to again vow that “Israel will not allow Iran to produce nuclear weapons” – as he said on Monday. There are now fears Israel could mount a preemptive strike on the Fordow enrichment complex.
At the same time, Iran’s parliament voted to mandate that among the Islamic Republic’s official foreign policy goals is the destruction of the state of Israel. The mandate was passed on the anniversary of Qassem Soleimani’s assassination, which was Sunday.
The new mandate aims “to destroy the usurping Zionist regime” as well as “[break] the siege of Gaza by sending basic goods from official naval bases to Gaza in exchange for money or free of charge,” according to Foreign Policy.
read more.

9 … and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a [a]synagogue of Satan.
