Aligning Ominously With The UN’s ‘2030 Agenda’, Vaccine Creator Warns Covid-19 Will Be Here Until 2030 As Globalists ‘Blueprint For The Enslavement Of Humanity’ Is Fully Unleashed Upon Us
- Aligning Ominously With The UN’s ‘2030 Agenda’, Vaccine Creator Warns Covid-19 Will Be Here Until 2030 As Globalists ‘Blueprint For The Enslavement Of Humanity’ Is Fully Unleashed Upon Us
by Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die,
According to Ugur Sahin, one of the world’s leading vaccine ‘minds’ and a Turkish-German doctor who is also the top dog with the German company BioNTech-Pfizer, the biotech firm that ‘won’ the great Covid-19 vaccine ‘race’ of 2020, the Covid-19 coronavirus will likely stay with us for about the next 10 years.
Warning in a recent virtual news conference that “we need a new definition of ‘normal'”, Sahin’s 10-year estimate for how long this virus will stay with us puts us at 2030 or 2031 before this virus finally ‘goes away’. Conveniently, that 10-year estimate aligns almost perfectly with the United Nations ‘Agenda 2030’, which seeks a ‘full-scale transformation’ of the world we’re living in.
While sure to be called ‘conspiracy theory’ by leftists who’ve been fully ‘indoctrinated’ into globalism by the mainstream media and the Communist education institutions across America, even the UN themselves admits to what they call their ’17 Sustainable Development Goals’ of Agenda 2030, goals which as we’ll explore within this story are nothing more than a blueprint for a ‘new world order’, the ‘enslavement of the human race’ and ‘global government’.
And with the year ‘2025’ falling firmly within that 10-year ‘window’ leading up to 2030 that Sahin speaks about, and the website still bizarrely forecasting America’s population to fall to less than 100 million by 2025, down over 227 million from the 327 million living in America in the year 2017, one could be forgiven for asking: ‘What is really going on?’ From this story at Gulf News before we continue.:
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