Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
The Synagogue of Satan, and the Fallen Angels will be defeated by Jesus Christ the Blessed Son of God on His 2nd Coming. – Free4eva Catherine Austin Fitts: Those Manipulating the Takeover of Humanity Will Fail. “It’s Too Outside the Laws of Nature or the Laws of Divine Intelligence.” This is a clip from …
SQ;CHECK OUT PARAGRAPH 3,4 AND 5. SQ;MY SOURCES CONFIRM WITH SECRET VATICAN MEETINGS TO PREPARE ALL CARDINALS AND HIGH RANKING VATICAN OFFICIALS TO ANNOUNCE ALIEN ARRIVAL. Remarks by Steve Quayle, – COVID-19 Bill Started a 180-Day Countdown for UFO Disclosures by Steven Greenstreet and Steven Nelson, December 29, 2020, President Trump’s signature Sunday on …
Aligning Ominously With The UN’s ‘2030 Agenda’, Vaccine Creator Warns Covid-19 Will Be Here Until 2030 As Globalists ‘Blueprint For The Enslavement Of Humanity’ Is Fully Unleashed Upon Us by Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die, According to Ugur Sahin, one of the world’s leading vaccine ‘minds’ and a Turkish-German doctor …
Vaccine “Passports” Could Be Mandatory For Travel, Shopping And Even The Movies, CNN Says by Tyler Durden, The Covid-19 vaccine isn’t even in the hands of most Americans yet and already CNN is prepping the masses for the idea of a “vaccine passport”, which it says could be needed to travel, and even “shop …
NTD A new CCP Virus mutation is found in Colorado, Georgia’s senate subcommittee holds another hearing on election fraud, and some GOP lawmakers in Pennsylvania are still contesting election results there. end
Stansberry Research “If you thought 2020 was bad for income, 2021 will be worse,” says Ryan Giannotto, Director of Research for Granite Shares ETF. As part of our Outlook 2021 series, Daniela Cambone speaks with Giannotto about his recent research report. “Not only do we have advanced demographics, we are looking at higher taxes and …
Donald Trump Signing Coronavirus Bill Kicked Off 180-Day Countdown for Pentagon And Spy Agencies to Reveal to Intelligence Committee EVERYTHING They Know About UFOs by KATELYN CARALLE, U.S. POLITICAL REPORTER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM, * Several measures snuck their way into the $2.3 trillion coroanvirus relief and government funding joint package * One is a requirement …
Covid bill includes 180-day countdown for Pentagon to make UFO disclosures by Josh Marcus, It follows the official release of military UFO videos earlier this year Attached to the 5,593-page coronavirus relief bill the president signed on Sunday is an unexpected proposition: a request for the Pentagon to brief Congress on all it …
The Duran Merkel gets EU-China deal done. Nord Stream 2 closer to completion The Duran: Episode 841. Merkel pushes EU-China investment deal over the finish line despite criticism Leaders from Brussels and Beijing are scheduled to endorse investment agreement in videoconference on Wednesday.… end
US Bombers Fly Over The Gulf Amid Tensions with Iran by Washington says bombers flew over the Gulf to deter Tehran from attacking American or allied targets in the region. – The United States flew strategic bombers over the Gulf on Wednesday for the second time this month, in what Washington says is a …
GoldSilver Pros We discuss the curious case of the LBMA sending out threatening letters to the rest of the gold trading centers around the world. Apparently little UAE has upset the LBMA with their whopping $13 billion in gold market trade, because it might come from Artisanal gold mines in Africa. These small mines produce …
US-Israel Submarine Moves Raise Concerns in Iran by The above-water, fully visible Israeli deployment into the Suez Canal and then the Red Sea was a rare move that was reportedly carried out with the acquiescence of Egyptian authorities. – DUBAI–Israeli and US submarine moves in the Arabian Gulf have raised concerns in Iran over … Sheeple: naive, gullible, easily deceived, useful idiots complicit in their own destruction and the destruction of others. People with an amazing ability to accept any amount of BULLSHIT. Last to know/understand what is going on. First to fall. The whole COVID-19 exercise is to prepare the sheeple for the Mark of the Beast vaccine …
ITM TRADING, INC. Link to Slides and Sources:… Questions/Timestamps: 1. CR: I have an estate account. I just put over $500k into it and was told the funds would be available on the 12/9. I went to wire $ to ITM and was told no, funds now being held until 12/16. I just got a …
Is there a way for someone to easily show that they have been vaccinated – like a bar code they can download to their phone? There ought to be. — Andrew Yang🧢🇺🇸 (@AndrewYang) December 18, 2020 Out of job? Want your monthly UBI? Make sure you take your Mark of The Beast Universal ID vaccine! …
How does the Globalist organization know a Bigger Pandemic is coming? WHO: Bigger Pandemic Than COVID Is Coming by Steve Watson, “This pandemic has been very severe … it has affected every corner of this planet. But this is not necessarily the big one.” – The World Health Organisation has warned that a worse …