Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Joe Biden again says the quiet part out loud: “President-elect Harris” — Jake Schneider (@jacobkschneider) December 29, 2020 Watch: Joe Biden Refers to Kamala as “President-Elect” Again by * How many times can he make the same ‘mistake’? Joe Biden referred to Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) as “president-elect” in remarks Tuesday. – In …
Austrian Lawmaker Tests Coca Cola for COVID Infection Before His Colleagues and Drink Tests Positive by Jim Hoft, Austrian FPO lawmaker Michael Schnedlitz administered a COVID19 PCR test to a glass of Coca-Cola during a session of parliament earlier this month. The soft drink, unfortunately, tested positive for the coronavirus. – The entire test …
RT Dr. Fauci has found himself in a rather awkward spot after he admitted that he ‘nudged’ the numbers on herd immunity up to increase support for COVID vaccines. This comes after he made U-turns on a number of core coronavirus issues like whether members of the general public should wear masks and whether children …
RT As one famous sci-fi author once said, the phrase that heralds most discoveries is not “Eureka!” but “that’s funny”… Marс Abrahams, the founder of the Ig Nobel Prize and the editor of Annals of Improbable Research magazine, knows all about the humor of science. end
The War In the Heavens Will Ultimately Decide the Fate of the Earth by Dave Hodges, For 3 days, some of my closest colleagues, (eg Robert Griswold and Paul Preston) will attest to the fact that I have been consistently saying that I have strong assertions by insiders that the American public is seeing …
Arcadia Economics The pressure in the gold and silver markets has been building for decades, and at some point it looks like it’s going to be released in a financial paradigm-changing way. Will that be in 2021, when Davos is studying the unusual topic of “The Great Reset?” Will we finally see substantially higher gold …
Dr. Fauci lied about masks in March Dr. Fauci has been distorting the level of vaccination needed for herd immunity It isn’t just him Many in elite bubbles believe the American public doesn’t know “what’s good for them” so they need to be tricked into “doing the right thing” — Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) December 27, …
The Money GPS The financial system has seen massive inflows of cash, debt, currency, and money into stocks, ETF’s, and passive investments. We are looking at more investors asking which tech stocks to buy in 2021. Money has been finding its way into the stock market but bond funds, despite a huge uptake of negative …
I LOVE PROSPERITY Lynette Zang: The Currency Reset Has Begun – Gold, Silver, Lynette’s Website: – In this video we talk with the one and only Lynette Zang – she breaks down the financial system, the impending monetary crash, the currency reset, gold, silver, precious metals, her predictions for the future & more… end
Archbishop Viganò: We’re witnessing ‘General Rehearsal for The Establishment of The Kingdom of The Antichrist’ by ‘In my opinion,’ Viganò writes, ‘what we are witnessing represents the general rehearsal for the establishment of the kingdom of the Antichrist, which will be preceded by the preaching of the False Prophet, the Precursor of the one …
Gaza: Israeli Restrictions Harm People with Disabilities by Neglect by Hamas Authorities, Armed Conflict Cause Further Hardship (Gaza) – Israel’s 13-year closure of the Gaza Strip along with neglect by Hamas authorities, significantly encumber the day-to-day life of tens of thousands of Palestinians with disabilities, Human Rights Watch said today on the International Day of …