IT BEGINS: Ohio Authorizes Military To Begin Mass Injections Of Citizens With COVID-19 Vaccine By The National Guard
- IT BEGINS: Ohio Authorizes Military To Begin Mass Injections Of Citizens With COVID-19 Vaccine By The National Guard
by Geoffrey Grider,
Major General John Harris said members of the Ohio National Guard will begin receiving doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, clearing the way for them to assist in vaccinating all Ohioans. There is not yet a concrete plan for how to use the Guard in distributing the vaccine. Gov. Mike DeWine said Monday he foresees using the Guard to bring the COVID-19 vaccine to under-served and hard-to-reach parts of Ohio.–
The Ohio National Guard will be allowed to help vaccinate the general populace against COVID-19. Health and Human Services gave the Ohio National Guard a waiver allowing them to administer COVID-19 vaccines to the general Ohio populace.
And so it begins, watching COVID-19 vaccines being administered to civilians by the United States military, where do you think all that is going to lead us to? Let me tell you where it leads, it leads to mandated, forced vaccinations of the civilian population at the point of a gun. Oh, it will start voluntarily all right, the kind-hearted National Guard soldiers working to inoculate people against a deadly virus, and then when people have accepted receiving voluntary injections from the military, things will turn and it will become mandatory.
America is in the process of slipping into a black hole, and ‘we the people’ are simply standing by and watching it happen. No one is rising up, no one is standing against this tyranny, and because of that, the Democrats and Republicans are raiding the store, plundering the vaults, and stripping Lady Liberty as bare as the branches of a tree in winter. Correction, as bare as the branches of a tree in dark winter.
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