Tucker Carlson: The Elites Want COVID-19 Lockdowns to Usher in a ‘Great Reset’ And That Should Terrify You
- Tucker Carlson: The Elites Want COVID-19 Lockdowns to Usher in a ‘Great Reset’ And That Should Terrify You
by Tucker Carlson | Fox News
America is locking down again. In some places, that’s already happening. If you have kids, you’ve seen it. Joe Biden has promised more of it — more masks, more quarantines, more limits on travel, more restrictions on who you can eat with and who you can touch.
The most intimate details of our lives are being completely controlled by our leadership class. The people who used to scream at politicians, “Keep your hands off my body!” aren’t saying a thing about this. In fact, they’re encouraging it.
So the question is, what exactly is this about? It’s not about science. If masks and lockdowns prevented spikes in coronavirus infections, we wouldn’t be seeing spikes in coronavirus infections after nine months. But we are seeing them, so clearly, the geniuses got it wrong once again. This time, they’re not even bothering to point to legitimate scientific studies to support continuing their policies because there aren’t any studies that support that. So what is going on?
Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has some idea. Viganò is one of the truth-tellers in his church. He made himself deeply unpopular with many in the hierarchy several years ago by exposing their complicity in decades of sex abuse. Viganò is 79 years old and in the way that older people stop caring what others think, he really doesn’t care. So instead, he says what he thinks is true.
A few weeks ago, he wrote a letter to President Donald Trump assessing the lockdowns from a perspective you almost never hear in this country.
“No one, up until last February,” Viganò wrote, “would ever have thought that, in all of our cities, citizens would be arrested simply for wanting to walk down the street, to breathe, to want to keep their businesses open, to want to go to church on Sunday. Yet now it is happening all over the world … The fundamental rights of citizens and believers are being denied in the name of a health emergency that is revealing itself more and more fully as instrumental to the establishment of an inhuman, faceless tyranny.”
There’s a reason you may not have heard those words before. The usual foot soldiers for conformity in our news media did their best to suppress and discredit Viganò’s letter to the president. Yahoo News tried to tie the elderly clergyman somehow to QAnon, which to them made sense. He alleged that a global health emergency was being used by the people in power for ends that had nothing to do with the virus itself, and of course, that’s crazy talk. That’s the media position on that.
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