Bond Default Warning Signals Versus the Wall Street Machine Selling More Corporate Debt & Bonds
- WallStForMainSt
Wall Street’s bond selling machine versus bankruptcy creditors being totally screwed over when too much debt eventually collapses a company and send it into bankruptcy… Bond Sales Are Still Going Strong!
1)U.S. Corporate Bond Sellers Are Preparing an Onslaught of Deals…
2) U.S. junk bond yields rode a rally in risk assets to a record low on Monday, as investors buoyed by a Joe Biden presidential victory and progress toward a Covid-19 vaccine poured into the debt of riskier companies. The cost to protect corporate debt against default in both the U.S. and Europe dropped to the lowest since February after the vaccine
Creditors Are Getting Record Low Amounts (Almost Zero) For Many Corporate Bankruptcies:
1) Bond Defaults Deliver 99% Losses in New Era of U.S. Bankruptcies…
2) Where Defaults Are Surging…
3) U.S. still faces possible default wave, asset declines due to pandemic: Fed…
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