In 9 Wisconsin Precincts, More Than 100 Percent Voted… Obvious Voter Fraud
My husband, @johnloudon is working with John Solomon @JustTheNews investigating voting in 2020.
In 7 wards in Wisconsin, 100% of registered voters, voted.
In 2 wards, 200+% of voters voted.
(CNN reports “nothing suspicious” in Wisconsin)
Watch @RealAmVoice for updates.
— Dr. Gina – Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News (@RealDrGina) November 5, 2020
- In 9 Wisconsin Precincts, More Than 100 Percent Voted… Obvious Voter Fraud
Trump rallies during the election “could kill thousands” because of the lack of social distancing, but Biden block party celebrations all over NYC right now are “literally saving lives” because science
— Buck Sexton (@BuckSexton) November 7, 2020