Vatican Issues Pagan Coin Connecting Pope Petrus Romanus to Adoration of Earth Spirit, Arrival of Antichrist
- Vatican Issues Pagan Coin Connecting Pope Petrus Romanus to Adoration of Earth Spirit, Arrival of Antichrist
by SkyWatch Editor,
Marked by the symbols of the pagan Earth Mother and the emblem of Pope Francis, the planet Earth is featured on the new silver coin from the Vatican as a symbolic womb defended and looked upon by the earth mother. This is an ancient, pagan concept, and, as I have written elsewhere, the end-times celebration of a spirit the Bible calls “demonic” heralds arrival of Antichrist.
Let me explain.
According to the Greeks, the greatest outcome of the love affair between Zeus and Leto was the birth of the most beloved—and soon to return oracle gods—Apollo, the spirit that will inhabit Antichrist according to the New Testament (see 2 Thess 2:3; Revelation 17:8 where the Greek word “Apollyon-Apollo is translated “Perdition” in the KJV). More than any other deity in ancient history, Apollo represented the passion for prophetic inquiry among the nations.
Apollo, with his twin sister Artemis, was said by the Greeks to have been born in the land of Delos—the children of Zeus (Jupiter) and of the Titaness Leto. While an important oracle existed there and played a role in the festivals of the god, it was the famous oracle at Delphi that became the celebrated mouthpiece of the Olympian. Located on the mainland of Greece, the omphalos of Delphi (the stone the Greeks believed marked the center of the earth) can still be found among the ruins of Apollo’s Delphic temple. So important was Apollo’s oracle at Delphi that wherever Hellenism existed, its citizens and kings, including some from as far away as Spain, ordered their lives, colonies, and wars by its sacred communications. It was here that the Olympian gods spoke to mortal men through the use of a priesthood, which interpreted the trance-induced utterances of the Pythoness or Pythia. She was a middle-aged woman who sat on a copper-and-gold tripod, or, much earlier, on the “rock of the sibyl” (medium), and crouched over a fire while inhaling the smoke of burning laurel leaves, barley, marijuana, and oil, until a sufficient intoxication for her prophecies had been produced. While the use of the laurel leaves may have referred to the nymph Daphne (Greek for “laurel”), who escaped from Apollo’s sexual intentions by transforming herself into a laurel tree, the leaves also served the practical purpose of supplying the necessary amounts of hydrocyanic acid and complex alkaloids which, when combined with hemp, created powerful hallucinogenic visions. Another drug possibly used by the Pythia is known as DMT [dimethyltryptamine]. This chemical—naturally produced in the pineal gland and present in some wild plants—has been used for thousands of years by shamans to contact the spirit world. Others suggest that the Pythia may have employed a version of the psychoactive drug “absinthe” to induce a spirit-traversing mental gateway—a practice also employed throughout Greek paganism as well as by shamans of other cultures but condemned in the Scriptures (Galatians 5:20; Revelation 9:21 and 18:23) as pharmakeia—the administering of drugs for sorcery or magical arts in connection with demonic contact. The book, Forbidden Gates, discusses this phenomenon in more recent times, saying of absinthe in particular:
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