Pope Francis Declares That “No One Gets Saved Alone” As He Prepares To Attend Chrislam Ecumenical ‘Peace Event’ In Rome Next Week
- Pope Francis Declares That “No One Gets Saved Alone” As He Prepares To Attend Chrislam Ecumenical ‘Peace Event’ In Rome Next Week
by Geoffrey Grider, https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/
The ecumenical service is called “An Encounter of Prayer for Peace in the Spirit of Assisi,” and the theme is “No one is saved alone — Peace and Fraternity.” In addition to Pope Francis, other participants will include Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople; Haim Korsia, Chief Rabbi of France; Mohamed Abdelsalam Abdellatif, the Muslim General Secretary of the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity; and Buddhist Shoten Minegishi.
Pope Francis will attend a Chrislam ecumenical prayer service and an interreligious ceremony for ‘peace and brotherhood’ in Rome next week, the Vatican announced Friday.
Now that Chrislam has been officially established, there is seemingly no end to the events in which Pope Francis is working to promote it. What is the theme of next week’s Chrislam meeting? Glad you asked, it is, and I quote, “No one is saved alone — Peace and Fraternity”. Yep, that’s the actual theme, all right. How exciting it is to see a false fraternity coupled with a false salvation, and sold to bible illiterates as the “infallible words of the vicar of Christ”.
“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before.” Matthew 24:24,25 (KJB)
Ten years ago,when we wrote and warned you that something called Chrislam was being formed, and it would combine the counterfeit Christianity of Roman Catholicism, Islam, and apostate Judaism, people laughed and called me a ‘conspiracy theorist’. In 2020, everything I warned you about with Chrislam has come true, and then some. Just for good measure, Pope Francis has also added Buddhism to the Chrislam mix as well. Chrislam has become everything we told you it would be, and it is the One World Religion of Antichrist.
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