Petrodollar To US Digital Dollar In 2021?
- Petrodollar To US Digital Dollar In 2021?
by Neenah Payne,
Many Americans assume that the dollar will remain our currency for the foreseeable future. However, Are You Prepared For Imminent US Digital Dollar? points out that since the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913, the value of US dollar has declined so much that it is worth almost nothing now.
The Coming US Digital Dollar (Part 1): What it is, and Why it Matters by Dr. Garrick Hileman warns that the replacement of the US dollar by a digital dollar is now inevitable and imminent – possibly as early as January 1, 2021. Americans who are not prepared for this shift may be left in a precarious position. Yet, this possibility is still off the radar for most Americans who don’t understand that the dollar is in danger. Many Americans are still invested in the stock market – not realizing that no matter how much money they may make, it’s still all in petrodollars that could be replaced soon.
Endless Wars to Protect Fiat Petrodollar
The dollar became the dominant currency in the global economy soon after World War I. The Bretton Woods Agreement in 1944 solidified its position at the top by an agreement that all countries would use only dollars to pay for oil. That was the birth of the “petrodollar”.
Petro-Dollar System Crumbles: US Dollar Could Collapse from the World’s Oil Wars warns:
With the Petro-Dollar System Devastated, the U.S. Dollar Is More Fragile Than Ever. Free market advocates, gold bugs, and cryptocurrency proponents have always said that today’s monetary system was immoral and manipulated. Of all the countries in the world, U.S. leaders have been some of the worst manipulators in history and the nation’s super-powers may be coming to an end. The U.S. government has blamed the coronavirus outbreak on the economic devastation, but America’s financial system was already in trouble before the virus.
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