Facebook Bans Anti-Vaccine Ads Ahead Of COVID Vaccine Rollout
- Facebook Bans Anti-Vaccine Ads Ahead Of COVID Vaccine Rollout
by https://thewashingtonstandard.com/
Facebook announced on Tuesday that the social media giant will ban all ads encouraging people to avoid vaccination. Facebook is now censoring factual information on the adverse health and side effects of getting vaccinated.
Anyone paying attention knows that there will be a COVID-19 vaccine, and it will, for all intents and purposes, be mandated for all and distributed by the military. This is not news to most, however, the propaganda campaign has begun, and Facebook will assist the tyrants with censorship.
“Our goal is to help messages about the safety and efficacy of vaccines reach a broad group of people while prohibiting ads with misinformation that could harm public health efforts,” Facebook’s head of health initiatives, Kang-Xing Jin, said in a blog post, according to the Hill. “We don’t want these ads on our platform.”
The truth is, doctors and others have expressed concerns about vaccine safety, and this is not new. But the push to make sure everyone is vaccinated is new. So is the blatant censorship. As with other tightenings on free speech, enforcing the new ban on anti-vaccination ads will be crucial.
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