ABC Ignores Elephant in The Room, Asks Biden ZERO QUESTIONS about Censored NY Post Scoops on His Son’s Overseas Business Dealings
- ABC Ignores Elephant in The Room, Asks Biden ZERO QUESTIONS about Censored NY Post Scoops on His Son’s Overseas Business Dealings
ABC held a 90-minute town hall with Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden without asking a single question about this week’s New York Post stories on alleged scandals involving his son’s business dealings in Ukraine and China.
Host George Stephanopoulos steered clear of the Post’s scoops, including a story on Wednesday that suggested Hunter Biden peddled political influence, including providing a Ukrainian business associate access to then-vice president Joe Biden in 2015. The Post followed up on Thursday with an article claiming the younger Biden stood to make millions of dollars working for a Chinese energy firm, including $10 million annually “based on introductions alone.”
The Ukraine story, in particular, contradicted Joe Biden’s previous statement that he never spoke to his son about his overseas business dealings. Biden’s campaign denied that a meeting with the Ukrainian executive took place, saying it wasn’t on the former vice president’s “official schedules,” but it didn’t refute the veracity of the emails underpinning the report.
Biden himself might have been pressed on the issue with his town hall coming up just one day after the Ukraine article surfaced, but neither Stephanopoulos nor the audience members whom ABC allowed to ask questions broached the topic. The silence followed a trend of social-media companies and mainstream media outlets suppressing the Hunter Biden reports.
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