Final Warning: Brace for Impact!! It’s Decision Time America!!! Steve Quayle and Dave Hodges
- Final Warning: Brace for Impact!! It’s Decision Time America!!! Steve Quayle and Dave Hodges
by Dave Hodges,
I recently interviewed Steve Quayle and we discussed many of the nation-ending-challenges facing America. Both Steve and myself feel that that the odds of America surviving in its present form are small. However, the opportunity for individual Americans to reach salvation is still entirely possible. Needless to say that China and Russia lie at the core of the threats to America’s survival!
Steve revealed that between October 21-25, America could be facing overwhelming challenges to its immediate survival. This is a fascinating, yet, very sobering interview.
GenSix Productions presents Final Warning Conference 2020 – A Streaming Event to warn the masses.
FINAL WARNING: Brace for Impact – This special broadcast event will likely take place just before the most tumultuous time in America unfolds. If the coming election were not enough to unravel our country, the greatest pandemic in the modern age is now underway. This ongoing crisis is ushering in a massive loss of freedom, civil unrest, famine, and war.
We asked our distinguished guests what their final message to the public would be before free-speech is eliminated and the chaos of the End-of-Days ensues. FINAL WARNING will feature presentations from Steve Quayle, Tom Horn, Gerald Celente, Mike Adams, Robert Maginnis, Lisa Haven, Greg Hunter, Dave Hodges, Daniel Holdings and Brandon Smith. Sign up today to hear our speakers warn, inform and inspire during this truly critical time in history. It may be your last opportunity to listen to a panel like this and prepare for what’s soon to envelop our nation.
Reserve your spot today, by clicking here, for a conference that will never be seen again.