The World Is Becoming Ripe for a One World Currency, One World Government, One World Religion ….. “666” !
- The World Is Becoming Ripe for a One World Currency, One World Government, One World Religion ….. “666” !
by Revelation 13:17). Some will refuse this mark and will suffer as a result. The government will be globally controlled, there WILL be an official one-world government. All unbelievers will give allegiance to this Antichrist during the tribulation period. In fact, a mark of the beast will be required on everyone in order to buy or sell items during this time: “No one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name” (
In terms of a one-world currency, a mark of the beast will be required to buy or sell.
One World Religion
Islam is the most influential religious force in the world today and the goal is nothing less than world domination, by any means necessary. It’s also the world’s fastest growing religion, and is second only to Christianity in number of adherents. Nearly one out of every four inhabitants of the world is a follower of Islam . After the rapture Islam will be the largest, strongest, best organized, and fastest growing religion in the world by a wide margin. No other group or combination of groups will be in a position to challenge it. And since Islam is not an ecumenically minded religion, all others will have to join it.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that Islam will no longer be a viable religious force after the Battle of Ezekiel 38. According to The Pew Forum report, the countries who will unite against Israel and be defeated there make up a small percentage of the total Islamic population. For example, the four largest Islamic countries by population are Indonesia, Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh. They won’t even be involved. In fact, two thirds of all the world’s Muslims live in 10 countries and of those only Turkey (5) and Iran (6) are named by Ezekiel. Rough estimates indicate that as little as 15% of the Islamic world will be represented by the forces aligned against Israel, and remember it’s only their soldiers who die in battle, not their total populations.
I don’t think the Islamic world will be permanently demoralized by their defeat either. After all Israel has defeated them several times already and each time they’ve come back to try again. End times prophecy shows that Ezekiel 38 won’t be any different.
One World Government
For as long as I’ve been a believer, I’ve heard talk of the coming One World Government, but recently this has become a lot more than just talk. There’s an obvious effort underway to eliminate both national borders and to create a world governmental system that would have authority over all nations.
As just one example, a little while ago our family enrolled in something called the Trusted Traveler Program. It consists of a special pass issued to qualifying applicants from Canada, the USA, and Mexico that allows us to pass through any of the border check points between the 3 countries with out showing a passport or going through customs. With this pass we can cross from Mexico, where we serve as missionaries, into the US in about 10-15 minutes. Previously it took about an hour on regular days and more on weekends and holidays. Airline passengers from Canada or Mexico can go to special kiosks in designated US airports and receive the same expedited service. Homeland Security expects about 84 million Mexican citizens to enroll in this program.
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