Disney Mass Layoffs Claim 28,000, Gold Jumps As Real Rates Slide, JP Morgan To Pay $1B For Spoofing
- Silver Report Uncut
We’ll begin with the mass layoffs that continue to hit the headlines. This is what we have been referring to as demand shock since Disney has already restarted much of their operations and they are finding there has been a dramatic reduction in spending and leisure demand. Disney’s downfall comes at a time the company has just taken out an ocean of debt and really can’t afford to have this sharp of a drop in revenue. Gold is running again as gold future jump above $1,900 an ounce and though the dollar has lost some steam it seems like it was the move in US real rates that is driving the bid for bullion. It has also driven silver to outperform Gold bring the silver to gold ratio even closer to 80X. JP Morgan has also just agreed to pay a record $920 million-plus damages and the court set that amount at $300 million dollars which seems ti be nothing more than a random number. The size of the losses in precious metals entirely negates the owners of actual gold and silver which seem to have taken the largest losses. That’s right if you bought into $50 silver and then lost a fortune your losses have been directly caused by the big banks and their market manipulation, yet you’ve not been counted or compensated. They also get to walk away from two counts of wire fraud levied against the criminal enterprise as long as they agree to monitor any future instances of manipulating the gold and silver markets. I want to know as a silver and gold investor… Wheres my compensation?