Former Deutsche Bank Analyst Tells Jury That Everyone Was Manipulating Gold & Silver w/ Spoofing
- WallStForMainSt
Former Deutsche Bank analyst David Liew told a Chicago jury he learned how to manipulate gold and silver prices from the two successful senior traders he admired and worked with for about three years. As Bloomberg reports, Liew “said he wanted to be a team player and make money after joining the bank’s Singapore office, so he began doing “spoof” trades the way he was taught by Cedric Chanu and James Vorley” two other Deutsche Bank gold traders who were perp walked in January 2018 as the crackdown on spoofers hit. According to Liew, “the senior traders often placed buy and sell orders they never intended to execute, a strategy intended to influence prices so they could reap illegal profits.”
Deutsche Bank Gold Manipulator:
“Spoofing Was So Commonplace I Figured It Was OK”…
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) tracks all the details of gold & silver paper price manipulation
Ronan Manly Gold Manipulation Articles:
1) GLD continues to source gold at the Bank of England, at an escalating rate…
2) LBMA-COMEX collusion intensifies as CME approves 267 LBMA gold and silver bar brands…
3) London gold vault Bait-and-Switch as LBMA prepares bigger changes…