Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Final Countdown: CDC Tells Nation’s Governors to Be Ready to Open ‘Vaccine Distribution Sites’ That Will Be ‘Fully Operational’ By November 1 by Geoffrey Grider, The Aug. 27 letter, obtained by McClatchy, asked governors to fast-track permits and licenses for new distribution sites. “The normal time required to obtain these permits presents a significant barrier …
Israel-UAE Deal: Will Jordan’s Custodianship of the Al-Aqsa Mosque be Affected? by Mohammad Ersan in Amman, An ambiguously phrased statement has left Jordan guessing whether its custody of Jerusalem’s Muslim and Christian religious sites is under threat. – The announcement on 13 August that Israel and the United Arab Emirates had reached an agreement …
Liberal Bias? Google Appears to be Hiding Search Suggestions That Cast Black Lives Matter in a Negative Light by Google’s automatic search suggestions for ‘Black Lives Matter’ reveal a strikingly positive image of the movement, with almost all negative references appearing to have been cleansed from the automated results. – As protests and riots …
Arcadia Economics As the COMEX deliveries and ETF additions continue to pile up, the signs that all is not well beneath the surface of the precious metals markets continues to emerge Fortunately, Andrew Maguire of Kinesis Money joined me on the show again to share what he’s seeing, and what he expects to happen next. …
Jay Taylor Media Alasdair Macleod talks about the impact on gold from a collapse of global banks and how Central Banks are preparing for a monetary reset that could adversely impact liberty. end
Silver Report Uncut A new economic survey from Deloitte reviews if there’s no v-shaped recovery in sight. it also disturbing me shows a potential collapse in spending in the medium-term that is unless there is direct Federal payments sent out to American consumers in the near term. We are already beginning to see a noticeable …
DAHBOO77 In this video i go over some of the more important things that are tucked away inside this newer Bill that was introduced this year. This pertains to the allocating of digital wallets to all Americans.- Learn More:… end
Liberty and Finance How did we come to this? Our leadership enabling lawless destruction, while prosecuting those who try to defend themselves and their communities. What is the design and goal of such unconstitutional leadership? What must we as a free people do to reclaim our sovereignty? Constitutional attorney, author, and advocate for the sovereign …
‘Logical’ for Israel to Eventually Have Ties With All 22 Arab States, Kushner Says by At close of historic Israeli official visit to Abu Dhabi, White House advisor says ‘a lot of people are envious’ of UAE-Israel normalization, telling Emirati outlet he hopes another Arab country will announce agreement with Israel in coming months. …
“It’s Not Your Imagination. Something Is Very Wrong.” by Michael Snyder, Once in a while, someone says something that perfectly captures the moment that we are currently facing. Earlier today, I believe that I stumbled upon an example of this, and I will be sharing what I found in this article. So far this …
Kerry Lutz’s Financial Survival Network Extensive discuss with Craig Hemke a/k/a Turd Ferguson. It’s all about negative real interest rates. The Fed can under no means allow interest rates to rise. This means that as inflation kicks up, real interest rates will turn decidedly negative, maybe by as much as 300 to 400 basis points. …
MoneyShow Rick Rule believes that we are in the early stages of precious metals, and precious metals equities “bull market. Prior precious metals bull markets have been lengthy, and lucrative. The surprise, however, is that we are setting the stage for a later, and more dramatic commodities and natural resources bull market, that may be …
Former Central Banker: “The World Is Heading Towards A New Monetary System That Incorporates Gold” by Jan Nieuwenhuijs of Voima Gold, An interview with Pentti Pikkarainen—former Head of Banking Operations at the central bank of Finland—on the future of the international monetary system. – When it comes to the development of the price of gold, …
Prepare Now: The Dollar’s Crash Is Only Just Beginning by Mac Slavo, September 1st, 2020, It’s time to make preparations for a complete dollar collapse. It’s being destroyed by design, but we are experiencing now in the economy is only the beginning. The rest of this year will be chaotic at best. – The …
Paul Craig Roberts: Fed Will Have Problem When Gold Hits $3,000 — Anti-White Racism in America is Real by Greg Hunter’s Former Assistant Treasury Secretary in the Reagan Administration and award winning journalist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says the ideology fueling riots in America is “dangerous and anti-white.” Dr. Roberts explains, “They are trying to …
ITM TRADING, INC. Links to Slides and Sources:… Aaron F: I have around 4000 ounces silver and 170 ounces gold, as I prepare for the inevitable dollar collapse. I have 91 rental units that are leveraged on average at 65% of value. They are occupied and currently provide good cash flow. What do you …
maneco64 Today we will look at how the world might look like if we went back on a gold standard or a sound monetary footing. My conclusion is that the chances for the world going on a gold standard are not great but it does not mean we should not try to inform the public …