NASA Warns of 25m Diameter Asteroid Close Flyby This Week, With Two Even BIGGER Space Rocks to Follow Soon After

- NASA Warns of 25m Diameter Asteroid Close Flyby This Week, With Two Even BIGGER Space Rocks to Follow Soon After
The asteroid early warning system monitored by NASA has posted advance notice of a number of space rocks inbound in the coming days, with one set to travel within just 120,000km of our planet.
On September 1, a 25-meter (three London buses end-to-end) and a 28-meter (one and a half times the length of a bowling lane) asteroid are charted to fly past at a distance of 2.9 million and 121,000 km respectively.
While the US space agency assured its Twitter followers over the weekend that there’s probably nothing to worry about, for perspective the Moon is 384,400 km away, so it will be quite a close call indeed – astronomically speaking – especially given the risk posed by an object which is estimated to be travelling at a speed of 8.16 km per second.
According to one Twitter commentator’s calculations, the flyby distance will be roughly the equivalent of twice the round trip distance between Santiago, Chile and Beijing, China.
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Will #asteroid 2011 ES4 hit Earth? 🌎 No! 2011 ES4’s close approach is “close” on an astronomical scale but poses no danger of actually hitting Earth. #PlanetaryDefense experts expect it to safely pass by at least 45,000 miles (792,000 football fields) away on Tuesday Sept. 1.
— NASA Asteroid Watch (@AsteroidWatch) August 28, 2020