United States And Britain Worried Russia’s Vaccine Will End Pandemic
- For the record: I am Anti-Vaccine.
- United States And Britain Worried Russia’s Vaccine Will End Pandemic
by http://www.battleforworld.com/
BATTLE FOR WORLD | August 12, 2020: It now appears that the United States, Britain and allies want to get the most out of surveillance and authoritarian transformation of countries as the coronavirus pandemic runs its course. This implies that the pandemic was put in place for a reason. Lockdown = Lock Step.
And the obstacle that threatens to end the pandemic is the unexpected release of Russia’s safe vaccine using “viral vector” technology exclusive to Russia.
The United States is urging the Russian people not to use the vaccine. This advice is coming from a country that has instigated revolutions in the Ukraine, now Belarus, South America, Venezuela, Cuba, etc. And in the United States boundaries itself a faction war has erupted between three rival groups of elites.
According to the U.S. representatives, the Russian development is nothing more than a fake – full-fledged studies of it, as stated, have not been carried out, and therefore, the vaccine can pose a very serious danger. With the recent documentary released with Dr. Judy Mikovits outing the United States criminal vaccine industry cabal, where vaccines are laced with properties to do other things, refer to the YouTube CENSORED: DOCTORS IN BLACK / PlanDemic, video, here.
What this sounds like, is that the Russian vaccine has no boogieman RNA-code to damage the immune system. It is just a safe vaccine using the already proven to be safe “viral vectors”. This fact Dr. Anthony Fauci is having fainting spells from. But why?
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