Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
World Alternative Media Josh Sigurdson talks with Lior Gantz of Wealth Research Group about the imminent collapse of the dollar as big institutional investors flood into gold, silver and cryptocurrencies. Lior has been incredibly accurate over the years when it comes to calling market ups and downs. As Lior explains, this is the end game. …
Over 57,000 Thousands Lebanese Sign A Petition Begging Macron to Be Their Leader And Demanding That Lebanon Be Placed Under French Rule by Geoffrey Grider, Macron told angry crowds in downtown Beirut that he would seek a new deal with political authorities. “I guarantee you this — aid will not go to corrupt hands,” Macron …
Macron Styles Himself as Lebanon’s Savior, Ready to Reshape Country’s System in Western Image by French President Emmanuel Macron has rallied a host of international donors to support Lebanon, and promised that the country’s future “is being decided now.” The French leader, it seems, will be the one making the decisions. – More than …
Raed Salah Warns of Israeli Plans Against Al-Aqsa by Ahmed Asmar, Palestinian resistance icon spoke in online seminar organized by Ankara Civil Society Platform – Palestinian resistance icon Sheikh Raed Salah warned Sunday against the dangers that surround Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem from plans by Israeli authorities. Salah, the head of the Islamic …
Professor in Bible and Theology, Tom Meyer: Plans Are Now Well Underway for a Third Temple to be Constructed by SEBASTIAN KETTLEY, End of the world: Third Temple prophecy is ‘unintentionally’ unfolding, Bible expert warns BIBLICAL prophecy states the construction of a Third Temple of Jerusalem will precede the Second Coming of Jesus Christ …
RT In this episode of Keiser Report’s annual Summer Solutions series, Max and Stacy chat to precious metals and bitcoin investor Mark Valek of They discuss the ‘FREE MONEY’ cover story on the Economist magazine and how that money printing has caused the rise in gold and bitcoin prices. The conversation turns to the …
Hamas was and is still a tool of the Israeli Mossad/ShinBet. IE. They work for Zionist ‘666’ Israel. – The Intercept Published on Feb 20, 2018 Did you also know that Hamas — which is an Arabic acronym for “Islamic Resistance Movement” — would probably not exist today were it not for the Jewish state? That …
The US Bombed Japan in 1945 to Demonstrate Its Power to The USSR. Intimidation, NOT Deterrence Was, Is And Always Will Be The Goal by Scott Ritter, As the world reflects on the decision by the US to drop two atomic bombs on Japan at the end of World War II, the reality is …
In Order For ANTICHRIST AND THE FINAL SOLUTION To Succeed, They’ll Need To Nullify The Second Amendment And Initiate Nationwide Gun Confiscation To Disarm Citizens. Therefore, The New York AG Seeks To Set Precedent By Dissolving NRA In New Lawsuit (For Doing What Establishment Politicians In Congress Do All The Time) by SkyWatch Editor, …
Phil Robertson: ‘Satanic Mob’ of Democrats Led by ‘Monster’ Joe Biden Want to ‘Get Rid of Jesus’ by ROBERT KRAYCHIK, A “satanic mob” of Democrats aligned with former Vice President Joe Biden intend to remove Christianity from America said Phil Robertson, host of BlazeTV’s In the Woods with Phil and author of Jesus Politics: How to …
666 The Mark Of The Beast Has Arrived 666 The Mark Of The Beast Has Arrived Posted by Greg Reese's Pieces on Monday, April 20, 2020 Doctor Warns That COVID-19 Vaccine Could Alter Your DNA by Isabelle Z., (Natural News) The current push underway to develop a vaccine against COVID-19 in record time has …
Past the Point of No Return for America: How Did We Get Here (Part 1) by Dave Hodges, As this article will point out, we are approaching 50% unemployment rates. Out debt is crossing $30 trillion. Literally 50% of our businesses are closed and there is no end in sight. How did this happen? …
Bo Polny: America Will Not Be Destroyed – Silver Turns into Rocket Fuel in 2021 by Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post) Cycle expert and financial analyst Bo Polny predicted near the first of the year there was a “new era of time” starting on the 21st of April 2020. Polny explains, “Things take time to …
The Morgan Report Silver Redemption | Silver has been in a bear market for 9 years, but record deliveries are happening on the Comex and we’re not sure they can deliver. Physical deliveries of silver are at all-time records. Something big is happening in silver, and it’s best if gold bugs don’t miss it …
RT The COVID-19 pandemic came as an external shock, almost unprecedented. How can we navigate the uncertainty of the post-pandemic future? We talked to the author of bestselling books ‘The Black Swan’, ‘Antifragile’, and ‘Skin in the Game’, risk analyst Nassim Nicholas Taleb. end
Arcadia Economics The silver shorts are getting crushed. Premiums are going up. Traders are standing for delivery on the #COMEX. After decades of imagining how it would all happen “one day”, one day is finally here. And to find out what happens next, click to watch the interview with Andy Schectman now! end
The Dollar’s Fall From Grace Will Soon Catapult Precious Metals To Even Greater Heights by Brandon Smith, I have been telling readers to put savings into gold and silver for well over 14 years, and in that time, precious metals have had spectacular rallies as well as intense corrections. Weak hands have been selling …
China and Russia Ditch Dollar in Move Toward ‘Financial Alliance’ by DIMITRI SIMES, Contributing writer, Greenback’s share of neighbors’ trade falls below 50% for first time MOSCOW — Russia and China are partnering to reduce their dependence on the dollar — a development some experts say could lead to a “financial alliance” between them. …
Silver Bullion TV SBTV spoke with Kevin Smith, Founder of Crescat Capital, about how the entire precious metals industry is less than 1 percent of the global stock market cap. The bull markets in silver and precious metals equities are beginning from extremely low valuations. Discussed in this interview: – 01:19 How this economic crisis …
Liberty and Finance Just back from hosting the Sprott Virtual Natural Resources Symposium, Rick Rule, CEO of Sprott Asset Management, returns to Liberty and Finance to answer viewer’s questions such as: – How long will the gold & silver bull market last? – What signals will indicate it’s time to roll into another asset class? …
Last night on Judge Jeanine, Defense Secretary Esper called it "regrettable" that "some in the media" were trying to divide him and the president over the Beirut explosion by just pointing out that he said it was probably an accident while Trump said it looked like an attack. — Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) August 9, …
Breaking: Israel Bombed Beirut? by Richard Silverstein, Tikun Olam תיקון עולם 4 August 2020, via … A confidential highly-informed Israeli source has told me that Israel caused the massive explosion at the Beirut port earlier today which killed over 100 and injured thousands. The bombing also virtually leveled the port itself and caused massive damage …