If You Can Be Banned from Twitter for Questioning Transgenderism, Why Are Accounts Advocating Pedophilia Still on The Site?
- If You Can Be Banned from Twitter for Questioning Transgenderism, Why Are Accounts Advocating Pedophilia Still on The Site?
by Guy Birchall, https://www.rt.com/
Self-described ‘Minor Attracted Persons’ are getting a free pass to use social media to push their twisted, rebranded agenda of having sex with children. It’s time to act, Jack Dorsey.
Twitter, as an organization, is very censorious. Everyday someone is suspended, shadow-banned, banned outright or has a particular tweet taken down for any of the multitude of sins the gods of Silicon Valley deem beyond the pale. We know these rules are not enforced evenly across the board – lefty accounts are given quite a large amount of wiggle room, whereas right wing or conservative accounts often feel they are only ever 240 characters away from Jack Dorsey’s digital hit squad.
This is annoying, but not surprising. Everyone has biases and they are inclined to go easier on people or groups that share them. And given that Twitter is headquartered in one of the wokest parts of the planet, it is easy to tell why a blue-haired feminist tweeting “kill all white men” gets a free pass, whereas posting moderate skepticism about transgenderism can get you removed completely.
However, to the best of my knowledge, pedophilia is not a left-right issue. I thought at least one thing we could all support, from the Proud Boys to Antifa and the TERFs to the trans activists, was that fiddling with children is wrong. In fact, I would go further and suggest that we could all agree – to paraphrase a commonly used lefty slogan doing the rounds these days – “it is not enough to not be a pedo, we must be actively anti-pedo.”
Which is why I was horrified to discover that knocking around the fringes of the social network are a fair number of accounts openly discussing wanting to have sex with children. Not only do they openly discuss it, but they want to normalize their perversion. These deviants now call themselves MAPs (Minor Attracted Persons), saying the term “pedophile” is a slur. Yes, it is, but I’m afraid if you want to have sex with children that’s what you are.
read more.