Trump Says ‘COVID Reparations’ Coming: US Will Bill China At Least $160 Billion

- Trump Says ‘COVID Reparations’ Coming: US Will Bill China At Least $160 Billion
by Tyler Durden,
At a moment total US COVID-19 cases fast approaches one million, President Trump has again lashed out at China but this time with a very specific threat to bill the county of the devastating coronvirus’ origin more that $160 billion for the ‘substantial’ amount for damages caused by the pandemic.
Trump made the comments from the Rose Garden at the White House Monday after he was pressed by a reporter over a German newspaper report suggesting that China should be issued a $160 billion invoice for the impact on Europe’s economy.
The president responded he had a “much easier” idea: “We have ways of doing things a lot easier than that,” Trump told the coronavirus press briefing. “Germany’s looking at things, and we’re looking at things, and we’re talking about a lot more money than Germany’s talking about.”
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