NEW Digital Dollar BILL Sent to the U.S. Congress! Proposed Effective Date 1/1/2021!
- Beast ‘666’ System coming online next year! Mandatory vaccination with Mark of the Beast vaccines, starting Q3-2021 next year?? Text of the Bill can be viewed here!
Page 17 of Bill
(B) BOOST PAYMENTS VIA DIGITAL DOLLAR ACCOUNT WALLETS.—No later than January 1, 2021, the Secretary shall offer all recipients of BOOST payments the option to receive their payments in digital dollar wallets. BOOST recipients receiving their payments through interim BOOST cards shall instead receive a Federal Reserve Account for debit cards and be given the option to sign up online for fully operational digital dollar account wallets.
– - Note also the corresponding banking Bill:
To require member banks to maintain pass-through digital dollar wallets
for certain persons, and for other purposes.
… (3) MEMBER BANK.—The term ‘‘member bank’’ means any national bank, State bank, or bank or trust company which has become a member of one of the reserve banks created by the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 221 et seq.).
…. (1) IN GENERAL.—All Federal reserve banks shall, not later than January 1, 2021, make digital wallets available to all residents and citizens of the United States and to businesses domiciled in the United States.
– - Congress Has Now Introduced 32 Crypto And Blockchain Bills
by Jason Brett, Crypto & Blockchain,
There appears to be no shortage of interest in cryptocurrency and blockchain policy in D.C. as Members in the House of Representatives and U.S. Senators have introduced a total of 32 bills in the 116th Congress. Thanks to Facebook’s introduction of Project Libra, ongoing efforts to achieve regulatory clarity for the industry, and the novel concept of a U.S. digital dollar, the level of interest on Capitol Hill appears to have grown beyond what has typically been just a handful of legislators.
Below is a chart and a high-level summary of the various Congressional bills. Twelve bills address the use of cryptocurrency in potential terrorism, money laundering, human, and sex trafficking. Thirteen bills focus on the regulatory framework and treatment of cryptocurrency and blockchain. Five bills promote ways blockchain technology could be used by the U.S. Government and the two newest bills cover the concept of a digital dollar.
U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency And Digital Dollar
Finally, as a new category added with two bills that include a new term called the ‘digital dollar’, the tracking of ‘central bank digital currency’ legislation has been developed. The first bill introduced was the ‘Banking For All Act’ by Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and the second and latest bill concerning digital currency was the ‘Automatic BOOST To Communities Act’ introduced by Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Representative Pramila Jayapal (D-WA). Both bills focused on faster delivery of economic stimulus benefits to Americans in light of COVID-19.
It is likely that more legislation on the topic of central bank digital currencies will be a growing area as Congress looks to address this subject. It is also fair to note that as cryptocurrency and blockchain continue to grow in prominence around the world, a similar volume of legislation for the subject matter can be expected in the 117th Congress as well.
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