In 2018, Emmanuel Macron Raised The Sign of Antichrist Over America, Now in 2020 He Needs President Donald Trump Taken Out of His Way
- In 2018, Emmanuel Macron Raised The Sign of Antichrist Over America, Now in 2020 He Needs President Donald Trump Taken Out of His Way
by Geoffrey Grider,
Look at the expression on Macron’s face, look how intense and sinister it is as he raised the sign of Satan over the White House and over America. Since that photo was taken, Emmanuel Macron has been on a nearly unstoppable trajectory upwards towards consolidating global power. He has become the de facto leader of the New World Order as it uses the trojan horse of the COVID-19 Plannedemic to seize power, but in 2020 as in 2018, one man stands in his way. Donald John Trump. In order to take firm control, Macron needs to either woo Trump to his side, or have him taken out of the way. That’s where we are right now.
Look at the expression on Emmanuel Macron’s face, look how intense and sinister it is as he raised the sign of Satan over the White House and over America.
In a photo for which no reasonable explanation exists to this day, French president Emmanuel Macron held hands with President Trump and First Lady Melania on the balcony of the White House, and raised the twin signs of Antichrist over both of them. Lost people will look at this photo and their first thoughts will be along the lines of the Texas “hook-em horns”, or the heavy metal hand sign for “rock and roll”. We who are saved know the Devil when we see him, and his signs, and are not fooled with any meaningless distractions from the media.
“Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.” 2 Corinthians 2:11 (KJB)
Look at the expression on Macron’s face, look how intense and sinister it is as he raised the sign of Satan over the White House and over America. Since that photo was taken, Emmanuel Macron has been on a nearly unstoppable trajectory upwards towards consolidating global power. He has become the de facto leader of the New World Order as it uses the trojan horse of the COVID-19 Plannedemic to seize power, but in 2020 as in 2018, one man stands in his way. United States President Donald John Trump.
In order to take firm control, Macron needs to either woo Trump to his side, or have him taken out of the way. That’s where we are right now.
Just yesterday, Emmanuel Macron had an urgent virtual meeting with President Trump, trying to get him on-board the coalition he has been busy building with the UN Security Council. The two leaders expressed hopes to convene the five permanent members of the UN Security Council soon to discuss a response to the coronavirus pandemic. Trump and Macron also talked about “critical regional and bilateral issues”, Deer noted. The men discussed “positive developments in combating the coronavirus pandemic and progress toward reopening world economies”. As of this writing, Trump is ‘weighing his options’, and it remains to be seen if he will support Macron as a member of the P5. If he does, that’s huge.
We will leave you with his video of Emmanuel Macron from his high school days, dressed as a scarecrow, and appearing to be looking up to Heaven towards God and mocking the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on the cross. If anyone reading this speaks French, we would love it if you would translate the narration and what Macron is saying, and post it in the comments, thanks!
Watch Teenage Emmanuel Macron Mock Jesus On The Cross, And Tauntingly Say He Has Become ‘Born Again’ While Looking To Heaven
We asked anyone who could speak French to translate, and as we suspected and can now confirm, Emmanuel Macron is this video is mocking Jesus on the cross and talking about how he was become ‘born again’. This man has been a bad seed from his earliest days, just like Judas the betrayer. (Many thanks to NTEB’er YehBoi2070 for the prompt translation, much appreciated!)
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