Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Comet ATLAS is Breaking Up by Dr.Tony Phillips, April 6, 2020: Comet ATLAS (C/2019 Y4), what are you doing? New data from astronomers around the world show that the once-promising comet is beginning to fade. For Karl Battams of the Naval Research Lab in Washington DC, it could be a classic case of “I told you …
CBS Airs Sobbing Nurse Claiming There Aren’t Enough Masks – It Was BS by Kelen McBreen | Meet the Jussie Smollett of coronavirus CBS apparently refuses to properly vet information before disseminating it to millions of people in an attempt to make Donald Trump look bad. – Last week, the outlet used footage of …
Israel’s Netanyahu And Gantz Agree on Plan to Annex Parts of West Bank: Report by MEE staff, The two Israeli leaders would present plan to government this summer, Haaretz reports – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his political rival Benny Gantz have reached an agreement to annex parts of the West Bank, paving …
Kissinger is an Illuminist Globalist, a member of the Council of 12/13. The people behind the Luciferian New World Order. Many recent statements from Illuminists tell you that the entire CoVid-19 Pandemic is a contrived, planned event to drive the world towards the end times World Government led by the Anti-Christ, Microchipping with ‘666’. – …
Kitco NEWS During volatile market conditions, investors should be looking for assets that represent stores of value, like gold, silver, and bitcoin, this according to Max Keiser, host of the Keiser Report. “The next alternative hard money, aside from silver, is bitcoin, and that’s why you see interest in bitcoin right now, it’s up this …
Staged? Video Shows Hospital Using Dummies in ER for Coronavirus Footage by Jamie White | Media using stock footage to claim hospitals overwhelmed with critical coronavirus patients – A video report by British media on coronavirus has gained attention after users noticed healthcare workers performing care on a mannequin instead of a real person. …
A Frantic Bill Gates Spending Billions in All-Out Blitzkrieg to be First to Create Coronavirus Vaccine And Digital ID, Funding 7 Factories at Once by Geoffrey Grider,, 4 April 2020 In a clip released from Friday’s episode of The Daily Show, Gates said his foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is moving forward …
RT America Russia and Saudi Arabia say they are “very close” in a deal to cut oil supplies. How will this affect oil prices? Ben Swann, investigative journalist and co-host of “Boom Bust,” answers that question. end
RoadtoRoota So many secrets in the banking world. Where are we? We are very, very CLOSE to the End of the Road! end
Sprott Media Recorded April 6, 2020 Rick Rule, president and CEO of Sprott U.S. Holdings, analyzes the current state of the oil market. end
Arcadia Economics #Silver Prices on #COMEX and Physical Continue To Diverge In recent weeks the price of physical silver has been trading as high as $10-15 over the spot price on the COMEX. Which Scott Close of #EMXRoyaltyCorp was kind enough to join me on the show to discuss. Why the divergence and what does …
Silver Report Uncut The mad dash for the cash continues as customers at a credit union in Baltimore rush to withdraw cash. video source… – There’s always the faint possibility they were depositing but since 14 million people have been laid off in the past several weeks it’s not likely. Then when you zoom …
FSN GoldandSilver Argentina defaults on its debt for a change. Housing market implodes. While many of us working at home haven’t felt the full brunt of the quarantine, those who have to go to a physical job there’s risk involved. Housing isn’t the epicenter of the collapse this time, it’s more collateral damage. Houses are …
RT Check Keiser Report website for more: In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy look at the coming hardening of money as reality bites in the age of collapse of the fictional, derivative fiat world. They look at halving coming up next month in bitcoin with perfect timing in the age …
Dana Ashlie My commentary at the end. Here is my video that was REMOVED from YT:… – Keep a link to my brighteon channel in case I’m taken down… Here is a link to this doctors full video:… end