Ronan Manly: LBMA/COMEX Warnings Don’t Add Up
- Arcadia Economics
#RonanManly: #LBMA and #COMEX Playing #Gold Market Musical Chairs As the LBMA and COMEX scramble for gold and #silver, the recent statements about liquidity just don’t add up. Which renowned gold market expert Ronan Manly of Bullion Star was kind enough to join me on the show and discuss. In the interview Ronan talks about the gold market game of musical chairs that appears to be unraveling between the LBMA and the COMEX, why the statements don’t add up, the similarities between the current situation and the #LondonGoldPool, and how this is all going to unfold. So to find out what’s going on in the gold market at this crucial time, click to watch the video now! – To get access to Ronan’s research go to:…