Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Bill Gates Calls for a “Digital Certificate” to Identify Who Received COVID-19 Vaccine by Bill Gates recently stated on Reddit that “digital certificates” will be used to identify who received the upcoming COVID-19 vaccine. And these certificates will also be used to identify who can conduct business or not. Here’s how this plan is …
Signs The Globalists Will Use Covid-19 To Usher In The ‘End Times One World Government’ Warned Of In The Bible With ‘America’ & ‘Freedom’ Being ‘Indoctrinated’ Out Of Existence by M.C. Enginn for All News Pipeline, We read in the news yesterday morning that a war might be imminent. Our normalcy bias keeps most of …
Why are the Illuminist world powers locking down the planet with this CoVid-19 bio-weapon? Something is approaching the planet. – Ground Control to Planet Lockdown: This Is Only a Test by Pepe Escobar, April 2, 2020, As much as Covid-19 is a circuit breaker, a time bomb and an actual weapon of mass destruction …
SHOOTING STAR: Comet that May Be the ‘Brightest in 20 Years’ Will Soar Across Sky This Month – How to Spot It by Charlotte Edwards, IF you’ve ever wanted to see a shooting star you stand a good chance this month. Experts think that Comet Atlas will soon be visible to the naked eye for …
These actions by USA and Israel are clearly preparations for war. I don’t think CoVid-19 is the cause of these movement towards underground facilities. The other REAL reason, that you are not allowed to know, is that the Illuminist world powers have spotted something in the far reaches of the Galaxy that is approaching our …
“US Labor Market Is In Free-Fall” – 10 Million Americans Have Filed For Unemployment In Past 2 Weeks by Tyler Durden, After last week’s unprecedented 3.3 million surge in initial jobless claims, this week’s is even more unprecedented-er, adding a stunning 6.648 million (just 100k away from our estimate of 6.5million) for a two-week sum …
Iran, US Heat Up War of Words on Iraq Despite Virus Pandemic by AFP, Tehran’s foreign minister Zarif reacts with fury to Trump warning of ‘heavy price’ if US troops targeted again. – TEHRAN, Iran — Iran said Thursday it “only acts in self-defense” after US President Donald Trump warned it against attacks on …
GoldSilver (w/ Mike Maloney) Download Mike’s best-selling book for free here: Join Mike Maloney for this Special Update, in which he details some shocking data that just arrived from the government. These figures signal a new paradigm for the USA – we were in uncharted territory to begin with, but now it seems we …
ID2020 Certification Mark: The Global Call for a Digital ID by Parker Claussen, There is a clear, concerted effort on an international scale to provide a new, device-free, form of digital ID, starting with the displaced and impoverished areas as a pilot and will soon move to be scaled internationally. – In Revelation 13, …
COVID-19: The Real Danger Is “Agenda ID2020” by What is the infamous ID2020? It is an alliance of public-private partners, including UN agencies and civil society. It’s an electronic ID program that uses generalized vaccination as a platform for digital identity. – It seems, the more there is written about the causes of the Coronavirus …
CoVid-19 is a bioweapon launched by the western Illuminati to destroy the current world order and drive the world towards their Luciferian New World Order, World Government led by the Anti-Christ, Global Supra-National Central Bank, Global ID2020, One World Digital Currency –> ‘666’. – The view that it is China vs USA, is incorrect. The …
See also: – Ancient Comet ‘Atlas’ Measures Half the Size of the Sun and it’s Back! – ATLAS: Newly-Discovered Comet Heading Closer to Earth And Could Soon Be Visible With Naked Eye by Andrew Griffin, @andrew_griffin , Sight could be ‘really, really stunning’ within weeks A newly discovered comet is heading closer to Earth and getting …
A Perfect Storm For Emerging Markets by JOHN RUBINO, Pretend for a minute that it’s 2019 and you’re Brazil. Or maybe Turkey, your choice. You’ve got a lot of infrastructure to build if you want to keep your people happy, and to fund those projects you’ll need to borrow a lot of money. – …
Arcadia Economics #Silver Mines Shutting Down Around the Globe: Jim Mackenzie of #Viscount #Mining As the impact of the #Coronavirus continues to spread, silver mines around the globe are getting shut down. This is also happening at the same time physical demand has surged. Which creates an interesting dynamic in a silver market that has …
Credit Crisis Averted; Monetary Crisis Initiated by Goldmoney Insights, The Fed seems to have managed to halt the massive dollar squeeze and the associated strength in nominal yields and real-interest rate expectations. This has led to a reversal of the rather peculiar gold sell-off that started in early March. We think this short-term win …
WallStForMainSt Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St welcomed back returning guest, former gold fund manager, long time financial industry veteran, Co-Founder of Real Vision and author of the popular Things That Make You Go Hmmm Newsletter, Grant Williams. Follow Grant here on Twitter for great insights about the financial industry: …
Reluctant Preppers Back by popular demand, Andy Schectman, president of Miles Franklin Precious Metals, returns to Liberty and Finance / Reluctant Preppers to answer YOUR questions about whether it’s still possible to get your hands on physical gold & silver despite an historic rush and collapsing supply chain. Andy joins host Dunagun Kaiser to field …
SGTreport Use coupon code: IMMUNE Crrow777 joins me to discuss the end game. A $2.2 Trillion “stimulus” package on the back of yet another manufactured crisis – will the end game bring us back to a gold backed Dollar or lead us into a one world global currency? Please leave your constructive comments below. end
Arcadia Economics Mexican Government Shuts Down #Mining Industry The demand for physical #silver has already exploded in response to the #Fed’s recent actions, as well as the #Coronavirus. Now, the supply is going to be even further reduced. As the Mexican government has shut down all non-essential industries, including mining. To find out what’s happening, …