Israel Bombs Syria; U.S. Warns Iran Won’t Get Away with Sponsoring Terror-TV7 Israel News 01.04.20
- Zionist ‘666’ war propaganda!
- TV7 Israel News
Today’s top stories 01.04.20; 1) Jerusalem is making every effort to combat the unrelenting spread of the coronavirus throughout the Jewish State, yet according to national security adviser Meir Ben Shabbat – the director the country’s special corona task force – Israel remains in the danger zone in its battle against the contagion. 2) Israeli aircraft allegedly launched a surprise strike against Iranian targets in Syria, bombing several installations in the war-torn country’s Homs Governorate. 3) Iranian President Hassan Rouhani declared this morning that the United States had missed a historic chance to lift sanctions on his country – over the continued spread and deadly implications of the coronavirus – as part of the regime’s continued propaganda campaign against the Trump administration.
9 … and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a [a]synagogue of Satan.